AutodiscoverErrorCode - перечисление

Defines the error codes that can be returned by the Autodiscover service.


Пространство имён: Tessa.Exchange.WebServices.Autodiscover
Сборка: Tessa.Server (в Tessa.Server.dll) Версия:
public enum AutodiscoverErrorCode


NoError0 There was no Error.
RedirectAddress1 The caller must follow the e-mail address redirection that was returned by Autodiscover.
RedirectUrl2 The caller must follow the URL redirection that was returned by Autodiscover.
InvalidUser3 The user that was passed in the request is invalid.
InvalidRequest4 The request is invalid.
InvalidSetting5 A specified setting is invalid.
SettingIsNotAvailable6 A specified setting is not available.
ServerBusy7 The server is too busy to process the request.
InvalidDomain8 The requested domain is not valid.
NotFederated9 The organization is not federated.
InternalServerError10 Internal server error.

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