ResponseActions - перечисление
Defines the response actions that can be taken on an item.
Пространство имён: Tessa.Exchange.WebServices.DataСборка: Tessa.Server (в Tessa.Server.dll) Версия:
public enum ResponseActions
Public Enumeration ResponseActions
public enum class ResponseActions
type ResponseActions
None | 0 |
No action can be taken.
Accept | 1 |
The item can be accepted.
TentativelyAccept | 2 |
The item can be tentatively accepted.
Decline | 4 |
The item can be declined.
Reply | 8 |
The item can be replied to.
ReplyAll | 16 |
The item can be replied to.
Forward | 32 |
The item can be forwarded.
Cancel | 64 |
The item can be cancelled.
RemoveFromCalendar | 128 |
The item can be removed from the calendar.
SuppressReadReceipt | 256 |
The item's read receipt can be suppressed.
PostReply | 512 |
A reply to the item can be posted.