WellKnownFolderName - перечисление

Defines well known folder names.


Пространство имён: Tessa.Exchange.WebServices.Data
Сборка: Tessa.Server (в Tessa.Server.dll) Версия:
public enum WellKnownFolderName


Calendar0 The Calendar folder.
Contacts1 The Contacts folder.
DeletedItems2 The Deleted Items folder
Drafts3 The Drafts folder.
Inbox4 The Inbox folder.
Journal5 The Journal folder.
Notes6 The Notes folder.
Outbox7 The Outbox folder.
SentItems8 The Sent Items folder.
Tasks9 The Tasks folder.
MsgFolderRoot10 The message folder root.
PublicFoldersRoot11 The root of the Public Folders hierarchy.
Root12 The root of the mailbox.
JunkEmail13 The Junk E-mail folder.
SearchFolders14 The Search Folders folder, also known as the Finder folder.
VoiceMail15 The Voicemail folder.
RecoverableItemsRoot16 The Dumpster 2.0 root folder.
RecoverableItemsDeletions17 The Dumpster 2.0 soft deletions folder.
RecoverableItemsVersions18 The Dumpster 2.0 versions folder.
RecoverableItemsPurges19 The Dumpster 2.0 hard deletions folder.
RecoverableItemsDiscoveryHolds20 The Dumpster 2.0 discovery hold folder
ArchiveRoot21 The root of the archive mailbox.
ArchiveInbox22 The root of the archive mailbox.
ArchiveMsgFolderRoot23 The message folder root in the archive mailbox.
ArchiveDeletedItems24 The Deleted Items folder in the archive mailbox
ArchiveRecoverableItemsRoot25 The Dumpster 2.0 root folder in the archive mailbox.
ArchiveRecoverableItemsDeletions26 The Dumpster 2.0 soft deletions folder in the archive mailbox.
ArchiveRecoverableItemsVersions27 The Dumpster 2.0 versions folder in the archive mailbox.
ArchiveRecoverableItemsPurges28 The Dumpster 2.0 hard deletions folder in the archive mailbox.
ArchiveRecoverableItemsDiscoveryHolds29 The Dumpster 2.0 discovery hold folder in the archive mailbox.
SyncIssues30 The Sync Issues folder.
Conflicts31 The Conflicts folder
LocalFailures32 The Local failures folder
ServerFailures33 The Server failures folder
RecipientCache34 The Recipient Cache folder
QuickContacts35 The Quick Contacts folder
ConversationHistory36 Conversation history folder
AdminAuditLogs37 AdminAuditLogs folder
ToDoSearch38 ToDo search folder
MyContacts39 MyContacts folder
Directory40 Directory (GAL) It is not a mailbox folder. It only indicates any GAL operation.
IMContactList41 IMContactList folder
PeopleConnect42 PeopleConnect folder
Favorites43 Favorites folder

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