GridViewCellAutomationPeer - класс


Пространство имён: Tessa.UI.Automation.Peers
Сборка: Tessa.UI (в Tessa.UI.dll) Версия:
public class GridViewCellAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer, 
	ITableItemProvider, IGridItemProvider
Object    DispatcherObject    AutomationPeer    UIElementAutomationPeer    FrameworkElementAutomationPeer    GridViewCellAutomationPeer
IGridItemProvider, ITableItemProvider


GridViewCellAutomationPeerИнициализирует новый экземпляр класса GridViewCellAutomationPeer


ColumnGets the ordinal number of the column that contains the cell or item.
ColumnSpanGets the number of columns spanned by a cell or item.
ContainingGridGets a UI Automation provider that implements IGridProvider and represents the container of the cell or item.
DispatcherGets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with.
(Унаследован от DispatcherObject)
EventsSourceGets or sets an AutomationPeer that is reported to the automation client as a source for all the events that come from this AutomationPeer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
IsHwndHostGets a value that indicates whether the element that is associated with this AutomationPeer hosts hwnds in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
OwnerGets the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer.
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
RowGets the ordinal number of the row that contains the cell or item.
RowSpanGets the number of rows spanned by a cell or item.


CheckAccessDetermines whether the calling thread has access to this DispatcherObject.
(Унаследован от DispatcherObject)
GetAcceleratorKeyGets the accelerator key combinations for the element that is associated with the UI Automation peer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetAcceleratorKeyCoreGets the accelerator key for the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetAcceleratorKey().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
GetAccessKeyGets the access key for the element that is associated with the automation peer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetAccessKeyCoreGets the access key for the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetAccessKey().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
GetAutomationControlTypeGets the control type for the element that is associated with the UI Automation peer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetAutomationControlTypeCoreGets the control type for the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetAutomationControlType().
(Переопределяет UIElementAutomationPeer.GetAutomationControlTypeCore())
GetAutomationIdGets the AutomationId of the element that is associated with the automation peer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetAutomationIdCoreGets the string that uniquely identifies the FrameworkElement that is associated with this FrameworkElementAutomationPeer. Called by GetAutomationId().
(Унаследован от FrameworkElementAutomationPeer)
GetBoundingRectangleGets the Rect object that represents the screen coordinates of the element that is associated with the automation peer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetBoundingRectangleCoreGets the Rect that represents the bounding rectangle of the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetBoundingRectangle().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
GetChildrenGets the collection of GetChildren() elements that are represented in the UI Automation tree as immediate child elements of the automation peer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetChildrenCoreGets the collection of child elements of the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetChildren().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
GetClassNameGets a name that is used with AutomationControlType, to differentiate the control that is represented by this AutomationPeer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetClassNameCoreGets the name of the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetClassName().
(Переопределяет UIElementAutomationPeer.GetClassNameCore())
GetClickablePointGets a Point on the element that is associated with the automation peer that responds to a mouse click.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetClickablePointCoreGets a Point that represents the clickable space that is on the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetClickablePoint().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
GetColumnHeaderItemsRetrieves a collection of UI Automation providers representing all the column headers associated with a table item or cell.
GetControlledPeersProvides UI Automation with a list of elements affected or controlled by this AutomationPeer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetControlledPeersCoreWhen overridden in a derived class, provides UI Automation with a list of elements affected or controlled by this AutomationPeer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
GetHelpTextGets text that describes the functionality of the control that is associated with the automation peer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetHelpTextCoreGets the string that describes the functionality of the ContentElement that is associated with this ContentElementAutomationPeer. Called by GetHelpText().
(Унаследован от FrameworkElementAutomationPeer)
GetHostRawElementProviderCoreTells UI Automation where in the UI Automation tree to place the hwnd being hosted by a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) element.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetItemStatusGets text that conveys the visual status of the element that is associated with this automation peer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetItemStatusCoreGets a string that communicates the visual status of the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetItemStatus().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
GetItemTypeGets a string that describes what kind of item an object represents.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetItemTypeCoreGets a human-readable string that contains the item type that the UIElement for this UIElementAutomationPeer represents. This method is called by GetItemType().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
GetLabeledByGets the AutomationPeer for the Label that is targeted to the element.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetLabeledByCoreGets the AutomationPeer for the element that is targeted to the UIElement for this UIElementAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetLabeledBy().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
GetLiveSettingGets the notification characteristics of a live region that is associated with this automation peer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetLiveSettingCoreGets the notification characteristics of the live region of the UIElement object that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetLiveSetting().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
GetLocalizedControlTypeGets a human-readable localized string that represents the AutomationControlType value for the control that is associated with this automation peer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetLocalizedControlTypeCoreWhen overridden in a derived class, is called by GetLocalizedControlType().
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetNameGets text that describes the element that is associated with this automation peer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetNameCoreGets the text label of the ContentElement that is associated with this ContentElementAutomationPeer. Called by GetName().
(Унаследован от FrameworkElementAutomationPeer)
GetOrientationGets a value that indicates the explicit control orientation, if any.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetOrientationCoreGets a value that indicates whether the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer is laid out in a specific direction. This method is called by GetOrientation().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
GetParentGets the AutomationPeer that is the parent of this AutomationPeer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetPattern(PatternInterface)Gets the control pattern for the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer.
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
GetPeerFromPointGets an AutomationPeer from the specified point.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetPeerFromPointCoreWhen overridden in a derived class, is called from GetPeerFromPoint(Point).
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetPositionInSetAttempts to get the value of the PositionInSet property.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetPositionInSetCoreReads PositionInSetProperty and returns the value of the PositionInSet attached property.
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
GetRowHeaderItemsRetrieves a collection of UI Automation providers representing all the row headers associated with a table item or cell.
GetSizeOfSetAttempts to get the value of the SizeOfSet property.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
GetSizeOfSetCoreProvides a value for UI Automation's SizeOfSet property.
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
HasKeyboardFocusGets a value that indicates whether the element that is associated with this automation peer currently has keyboard focus.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
HasKeyboardFocusCoreGets a value that indicates whether the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer currently has keyboard input focus. This method is called by HasKeyboardFocus().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
InvalidatePeerTriggers recalculation of the main properties of the AutomationPeer and raises the PropertyChanged notification to the Automation Client if the properties changed.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
IsContentElementGets a value that indicates whether the element that is associated with this automation peer contains data that is presented to the user.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
(Переопределяет UIElementAutomationPeer.IsContentElementCore())
IsControlElementGets a value that indicates whether the element is understood by the user as interactive or as contributing to the logical structure of the control in the GUI.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
IsControlElementCoreGets or sets a value that indicates whether the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer is understood by the end user as interactive. Optionally, the user might understand the UIElement as contributing to the logical structure of the control in the GUI. This method is called by IsControlElement().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
IsEnabledGets a value that indicates whether the element associated with this automation peer supports interaction.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
IsEnabledCoreGets a value that indicates whether the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer can accept keyboard focus. This method is called by IsKeyboardFocusable().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
IsKeyboardFocusableGets a value that indicates whether the element can accept keyboard focus.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
IsKeyboardFocusableCoreGets a value that indicates whether the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer can accept keyboard focus. This method is called by IsKeyboardFocusable().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
IsOffscreenGets a value that indicates whether an element is off the screen.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
IsOffscreenCoreGets a value that indicates whether the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer is off the screen. This method is called by IsOffscreen().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
IsPasswordGets a value that indicates whether the element contains sensitive content.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
IsPasswordCoreGets a value that indicates whether the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer contains protected content. This method is called by IsPassword().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
IsRequiredForFormGets a value that indicates whether the element that is associated with this peer must be completed on a form.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
IsRequiredForFormCoreGets a value that indicates whether the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer is required to be completed on a form. This method is called by IsRequiredForForm().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
PeerFromProviderGets an AutomationPeer for the specified IRawElementProviderSimple proxy.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
ProviderFromPeerGets the IRawElementProviderSimple for the specified AutomationPeer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
RaiseAsyncContentLoadedEventCalled by the AutomationPeer to raise the AsyncContentLoadedEvent event.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
RaiseAutomationEventRaises an automation event.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
RaisePropertyChangedEventRaises an event to notify the automation client of a changed property value.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
ResetChildrenCacheSynchronously resets the tree of child elements by calling GetChildrenCore().
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
SetFocusSets the keyboard focus on the element that is associated with this automation peer.
(Унаследован от AutomationPeer)
SetFocusCoreSets the keyboard input focus on the UIElement that is associated with this UIElementAutomationPeer. This method is called by SetFocus().
(Унаследован от UIElementAutomationPeer)
VerifyAccessEnforces that the calling thread has access to this DispatcherObject.
(Унаследован от DispatcherObject)

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