SamlController - класс

Предоставляет методы для SSO-авторизации (Single Sign On) по протоколу SAML. Может использоваться для интеграции с доменом Active Directory Foundation Services. Используется в web-клиенте TESSA.


Пространство имён: Tessa.Web.Client.Controllers
Сборка: Tessa.Web.Client (в Tessa.Web.Client.dll) Версия:
public sealed class SamlController : Controller
Object    ControllerBase    Controller    SamlController


SamlControllerИнициализирует новый экземпляр класса SamlController


ControllerContext Gets or sets the ControllerContext.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
HttpContext Gets the HttpContext for the executing action.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
MetadataProvider Gets or sets the IModelMetadataProvider.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
ModelBinderFactory Gets or sets the IModelBinderFactory.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
ModelState Gets the ModelStateDictionary that contains the state of the model and of model-binding validation.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
ObjectValidator Gets or sets the IObjectModelValidator.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
ProblemDetailsFactory Gets or sets the ProblemDetailsFactory.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Request Gets the HttpRequest for the executing action.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Response Gets the HttpResponse for the executing action.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RouteData Gets the RouteData for the executing action.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
TempData Gets or sets ITempDataDictionary used by ViewResult.
(Унаследован от Controller)
Url Gets or sets the IUrlHelper.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
User Gets the ClaimsPrincipal for user associated with the executing action.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
ViewBag Gets the dynamic view bag.
(Унаследован от Controller)
ViewData Gets or sets ViewDataDictionary used by ViewResult and ViewBag.
(Унаследован от Controller)


Accepted() Creates an AcceptedResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Accepted(Object) Creates an AcceptedResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Accepted(String) Creates an AcceptedResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Accepted(Uri) Creates an AcceptedResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Accepted(String, Object) Creates an AcceptedResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Accepted(Uri, Object) Creates an AcceptedResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
AcceptedAtAction(String) Creates an AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
AcceptedAtAction(String, Object) Creates an AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
AcceptedAtAction(String, String) Creates an AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
AcceptedAtAction(String, Object, Object) Creates an AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
AcceptedAtAction(String, String, Object) Creates an AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
AcceptedAtAction(String, String, Object, Object) Creates an AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
AcceptedAtRoute(Object) Creates an AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
AcceptedAtRoute(String) Creates an AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
AcceptedAtRoute(Object, Object) Creates an AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
AcceptedAtRoute(String, Object) Creates an AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
AcceptedAtRoute(String, Object, Object) Creates an AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status202Accepted response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
AssertionConsumerService Метод, вызываемый при входе в систему после подтверждения авторизации SAML. Возвращает результат входа, обычно это редирект на определённую страницу.
BadRequest() Creates a BadRequestResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
BadRequest(ModelStateDictionary) Creates a BadRequestObjectResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
BadRequest(Object) Creates a BadRequestObjectResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Challenge() Creates a ChallengeResult.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Challenge(AuthenticationProperties) Creates a ChallengeResult with the specified properties.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Challenge(String[]) Creates a ChallengeResult with the specified authentication schemes.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Challenge(AuthenticationProperties, String[]) Creates a ChallengeResult with the specified authentication schemes and properties.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Conflict() Creates a ConflictResult that produces a Status409Conflict response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Conflict(ModelStateDictionary) Creates a ConflictObjectResult that produces a Status409Conflict response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Conflict(Object) Creates a ConflictObjectResult that produces a Status409Conflict response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Content(String) Creates a ContentResult object by specifying a content string.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Content(String, MediaTypeHeaderValue) Creates a ContentResult object by specifying a content string and a contentType.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Content(String, String) Creates a ContentResult object by specifying a content string and a content type.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Content(String, String, Encoding) Creates a ContentResult object by specifying a content string, a contentType, and contentEncoding.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Created() Creates a CreatedResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Created(String, Object) Creates a CreatedResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Created(Uri, Object) Creates a CreatedResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
CreatedAtAction(String, Object) Creates a CreatedAtActionResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
CreatedAtAction(String, Object, Object) Creates a CreatedAtActionResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
CreatedAtAction(String, String, Object, Object) Creates a CreatedAtActionResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
CreatedAtRoute(Object, Object) Creates a CreatedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
CreatedAtRoute(String, Object) Creates a CreatedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
CreatedAtRoute(String, Object, Object) Creates a CreatedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от Controller)
Dispose(Boolean) Releases all resources currently used by this Controller instance.
(Унаследован от Controller)
File(Byte[], String) Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), and the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
File(Stream, String) Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK), with the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
File(String, String) Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
File(Byte[], String, Boolean) Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), and the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
File(Byte[], String, String) Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
File(Stream, String, Boolean) Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK), with the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
File(Stream, String, String) Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
File(String, String, Boolean) Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
File(String, String, String) Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
File(Byte[], String, String, Boolean) Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
File(Stream, String, String, Boolean) Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
File(String, String, String, Boolean) Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Forbid() Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Forbid(AuthenticationProperties) Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default) with the specified properties.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Forbid(String[]) Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default) with the specified authentication schemes.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Forbid(AuthenticationProperties, String[]) Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default) with the specified authentication schemes and properties.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Json(Object) Creates a JsonResult object that serializes the specified data object to JSON.
(Унаследован от Controller)
Json(Object, Object) Creates a JsonResult object that serializes the specified data object to JSON.
(Унаследован от Controller)
LocalRedirect Creates a LocalRedirectResult object that redirects (Status302Found) to the specified local localUrl.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
LocalRedirectPermanent Creates a LocalRedirectResult object with Permanent set to true (Status301MovedPermanently) using the specified localUrl.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
LocalRedirectPermanentPreserveMethod Creates a LocalRedirectResult object with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true (Status308PermanentRedirect) using the specified localUrl.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
LocalRedirectPreserveMethod Creates a LocalRedirectResult object with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true (Status307TemporaryRedirect) using the specified localUrl.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
LoggedOut Метод, вызываемый после закрытия сессии, при этом удаляется привязка SAML, производится запись в cookies о факте закрытия и редирект на основную страницу.
Login Окно входа в систему для использования совместно с SAML-авторизацией.
LoginRedirect Редирект на окно входа для использования с SAML.
Logout Выход из системы при авторизации SAML.
Metadata Запрос, возвращающий метаинформацию SAML.
NoContent Creates a NoContentResult object that produces an empty Status204NoContent response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
NotFound() Creates a NotFoundResult that produces a Status404NotFound response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
NotFound(Object) Creates a NotFoundObjectResult that produces a Status404NotFound response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Ok() Creates an OkResult object that produces an empty Status200OK response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Ok(Object) Creates an OkObjectResult object that produces a Status200OK response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
OnActionExecuted Called after the action method is invoked.
(Унаследован от Controller)
OnActionExecuting Called before the action method is invoked.
(Унаследован от Controller)
OnActionExecutionAsync Called before the action method is invoked.
(Унаследован от Controller)
PartialView() Creates a PartialViewResult object that renders a partial view to the response.
(Унаследован от Controller)
PartialView(Object) Creates a PartialViewResult object by specifying a model to be rendered by the partial view.
(Унаследован от Controller)
PartialView(String) Creates a PartialViewResult object by specifying a viewName.
(Унаследован от Controller)
PartialView(String, Object) Creates a PartialViewResult object by specifying a viewName and the model to be rendered by the partial view.
(Унаследован от Controller)
PhysicalFile(String, String) Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
PhysicalFile(String, String, Boolean) Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
PhysicalFile(String, String, String) Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
PhysicalFile(String, String, String, Boolean) Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Redirect Creates a RedirectResult object that redirects (Status302Found) to the specified url.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectPermanent Creates a RedirectResult object with Permanent set to true (Status301MovedPermanently) using the specified url.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectPermanentPreserveMethod Creates a RedirectResult object with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true (Status308PermanentRedirect) using the specified url.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectPreserveMethod Creates a RedirectResult object with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true (Status307TemporaryRedirect) using the specified url.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToAction() Redirects (Status302Found) to an action with the same name as current one. The 'controller' and 'action' names are retrieved from the ambient values of the current request.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToAction(String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the actionName.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToAction(String, Object) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the actionName and routeValues.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToAction(String, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the actionName and the controllerName.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToAction(String, String, Object) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the specified actionName, controllerName, and routeValues.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToAction(String, String, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the specified actionName, controllerName, and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToAction(String, String, Object, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the specified actionName, controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToActionPermanent(String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToActionPermanent(String, Object) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName and routeValues.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToActionPermanent(String, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName and controllerName.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToActionPermanent(String, String, Object) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName, controllerName, and routeValues.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToActionPermanent(String, String, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName, controllerName, and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToActionPermanent(String, String, Object, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName, controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToActionPermanentPreserveMethod Redirects (Status308PermanentRedirect) to the specified action with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified actionName, controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToActionPreserveMethod Redirects (Status307TemporaryRedirect) to the specified action with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified actionName, controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToPage(String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToPage(String, Object) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName using the specified routeValues.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToPage(String, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName using the specified pageHandler.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToPage(String, String, Object) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToPage(String, String, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName using the specified fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToPage(String, String, Object, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName using the specified routeValues and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToPagePermanent(String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToPagePermanent(String, Object) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName using the specified routeValues.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToPagePermanent(String, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName using the specified pageHandler.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToPagePermanent(String, String, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName using the specified fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToPagePermanent(String, String, Object, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName using the specified routeValues and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToPagePermanentPreserveMethod Redirects (Status308PermanentRedirect) to the specified route with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified pageName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToPagePreserveMethod Redirects (Status307TemporaryRedirect) to the specified page with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified pageName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToRoute(Object) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeValues.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToRoute(String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToRoute(String, Object) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName and routeValues.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToRoute(String, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToRoute(String, Object, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToRoutePermanent(Object) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeValues.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToRoutePermanent(String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeName.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToRoutePermanent(String, Object) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeName and routeValues.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToRoutePermanent(String, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeName and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToRoutePermanent(String, Object, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToRoutePermanentPreserveMethod Redirects (Status308PermanentRedirect) to the specified route with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
RedirectToRoutePreserveMethod Redirects (Status307TemporaryRedirect) to the specified route with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
SignIn(ClaimsPrincipal) Creates a SignInResult.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
SignIn(ClaimsPrincipal, AuthenticationProperties) Creates a SignInResult with properties.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
SignIn(ClaimsPrincipal, String) Creates a SignInResult with the specified authentication scheme.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
SignIn(ClaimsPrincipal, AuthenticationProperties, String) Creates a SignInResult with the specified authentication scheme and properties.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
SignOut() Creates a SignOutResult.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
SignOut(AuthenticationProperties) Creates a SignOutResult with properties.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
SignOut(String[]) Creates a SignOutResult with the specified authentication schemes.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
SignOut(AuthenticationProperties, String[]) Creates a SignOutResult with the specified authentication schemes and properties.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
SingleLogout Выход из системы в SAML, запрошенный пользователем для удаления информации по входу во всех SSO-приложениях, в т.ч. в системе TESSA.
StatusCode(Int32) Creates a StatusCodeResult object by specifying a statusCode.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
StatusCode(Int32, Object) Creates an ObjectResult object by specifying a statusCode and value
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
TryUpdateModelAsync(Void, Boolean, Object)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
TryUpdateModelAsync(Void, Boolean, Object, Type, String)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
TryUpdateModelAsync``1(Void, Boolean)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
TryUpdateModelAsync``1(Void, Boolean, UMP)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
TryUpdateModelAsync``1(Void, Boolean, UMP, String)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
TryValidateModel(Object) Validates the specified model instance.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
TryValidateModel(Object, String) Validates the specified model instance.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Unauthorized() Creates an UnauthorizedResult that produces a Status401Unauthorized response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
Unauthorized(Object) Creates an UnauthorizedObjectResult that produces a Status401Unauthorized response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
UnprocessableEntity() Creates an UnprocessableEntityResult that produces a Status422UnprocessableEntity response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
UnprocessableEntity(ModelStateDictionary) Creates an UnprocessableEntityObjectResult that produces a Status422UnprocessableEntity response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
UnprocessableEntity(Object) Creates an UnprocessableEntityObjectResult that produces a Status422UnprocessableEntity response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
ValidationProblem() Creates an ActionResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response with validation errors from ModelState.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
ValidationProblem(ModelStateDictionary) Creates an ActionResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response with validation errors from modelStateDictionary.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
ValidationProblem(ValidationProblemDetails) Creates a BadRequestObjectResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
(Унаследован от ControllerBase)
View() Creates a ViewResult object that renders a view to the response.
(Унаследован от Controller)
View(Object) Creates a ViewResult object by specifying a model to be rendered by the view.
(Унаследован от Controller)
View(String) Creates a ViewResult object by specifying a viewName.
(Унаследован от Controller)
View(String, Object) Creates a ViewResult object by specifying a viewName and the model to be rendered by the view.
(Унаследован от Controller)
ViewComponent(String) Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the name of a view component to render.
(Унаследован от Controller)
ViewComponent(Type) Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the Type of a view component to render.
(Унаследован от Controller)
ViewComponent(String, Object) Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the name of a view component to render.
(Унаследован от Controller)
ViewComponent(Type, Object) Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the Type of a view component to render.
(Унаследован от Controller)

Методы расширения

(Определяется WebExtensions)
(Определяется WebExtensions)
(Определяется WebExtensions)
(Определяется WebExtensions)

См. также