IndentedTextWriterWrite(String, Object, Object) - метод

Writes a formatted string to the text stream using the same semantics as the Format(String, Object, Object) method.


Пространство имён: Tessa.Platform.IO
Сборка: Tessa (в Tessa.dll) Версия: 4.0.5
public override void Write(
	string format,
	Object? arg0,
	Object? arg1


format  String
A composite format string.
arg0  Object
The first object to format and write.
arg1  Object
The second object to format and write.


ArgumentNullExceptionformat is .
ObjectDisposedExceptionThe TextWriter is closed.
IOExceptionAn I/O error occurs.
FormatExceptionformat is not a valid composite format string. -or- The index of a format item is less than 0 (zero) or greater than or equal to the number of objects to be formatted (which, for this method overload, is two).

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