SessionsControllerDeleteCurrent - метод

Close current session determined by HTTP auth header or by token query parameter. Returns flag whether session was present and was closed.


Пространство имён: Tessa.Web.Controllers
Сборка: Tessa.Web (в Tessa.Web.dll) Версия: 4.0.5
[ProducesAttribute("application/json", new string[] { ... })]
public Task<ActionResult<bool>> DeleteCurrent(
	[FromQueryAttribute][SessionTokenAttribute] string? token = null,
	[FromQueryAttribute] bool cookies = false,
	CancellationToken cancellationToken = default


token  String  (Optional)
Auth token to close the session. If passed then HTTP auth header is ignored.
cookies  Boolean  (Optional)
Indication that client uses cookies for authentication, i.e. it is web client. Parameter is ignored if current application does not support web clients.
cancellationToken  CancellationToken  (Optional)
Token to cancel async task.

Возвращаемое значение

true if session was present and was closed; false otherwise.

См. также