SessionsControllerGetOpen - метод

Open session to login user by login/password pair. Returns auth token in XML form, consumer should supply it to other web requests to authenticate.

Also returns platform version in Version header.


Пространство имён: Tessa.Web.Controllers
Сборка: Tessa.Web (в Tessa.Web.dll) Версия: 4.0.5
[ProducesAttribute("application/json", new string[] { ... })]
[ConsumesAttribute("application/json", new string[] { ... })]
public Task<ActionResult<OpenSessionResponse>> GetOpen(
	[FromQueryAttribute] string version,
	[FromQueryAttribute] Guid? applicationID = null,
	[FromQueryAttribute] string? login = null,
	[FromQueryAttribute] string? password = null,
	[FromQueryAttribute] string? cultureName = null,
	[FromQueryAttribute] string? uiCultureName = null,
	[FromQueryAttribute] string? deviceType = null,
	[FromQueryAttribute] int? utcOffsetMinutes = null,
	[FromQueryAttribute] string? osName = null,
	[FromQueryAttribute] string? userAgent = null,
	[FromQueryAttribute] bool? client64Bit = null,
	[FromQueryAttribute] bool? client64BitOS = null,
	[FromQueryAttribute] bool cookies = false,
	[FromQueryAttribute] bool browser = false,
	[FromQueryAttribute] bool support2fa = false,
	CancellationToken cancellationToken = default


version  String
Platform version.
applicationID  NullableGuid  (Optional)
The ID of the application you are signing in to. If null is specified, then Other is used.
login  String  (Optional)
User login in base64 format. If the login or password is equal to null or an empty string, then Windows authentication is used.
password  String  (Optional)
User passwordin base64 format. If the login or password is equal to null or an empty string, then Windows authentication is used.
cultureName  String  (Optional)
The name of the locale, or null if the current settings are used.
uiCultureName  String  (Optional)
The name of the interface language or null if the current settings are used.
deviceType  String  (Optional)
The type of device the user is using to connect to the server.
utcOffsetMinutes  NullableInt32  (Optional)
The number of minutes offset in the user's time zone relative to UTC. If null is specified, then the offset in the employee card is used, or offset in the default time zone (if not included in the employee’s card), or an offset on the application server (if the settings card is missing, this is usually during the system installation process).
osName  String  (Optional)
The name of the operating system used on the user's device, or null if the OS is unknown.
userAgent  String  (Optional)
The UserAgent string of the browser that connects to the server, or null if a non-browser is used to connect.
client64Bit  NullableBoolean  (Optional)
An indication that the client application is 64-bit. true - 64-bit application, false - 32-bit application, null - bit depth unknown.
client64BitOS  NullableBoolean  (Optional)
An indication that the client operating system is 64-bit. true - 64-bit OS, false - 32-bit OS, null - bit depth unknown.
cookies  Boolean  (Optional)
Specifies that client uses cookies for authentication, i.e. it is web client or mobile app. Parameter is ignored if current application does not support web clients.
browser  Boolean  (Optional)
Specifies that client uses browser headers to provide info on client parameters, i.e. it is web client. Parameter is ignored if current application does not support web clients.
support2fa  Boolean  (Optional)
An indication that the client support two-factor authentication.
cancellationToken  CancellationToken  (Optional)
Token to cancel async task.

Возвращаемое значение

Open session response with auth token in XML form and 2FA result.

См. также