ConcurrentHashSetTComparer - свойство

Gets the IEqualityComparerT that is used to determine equality for the values in the set.


Пространство имён: Tessa.Platform.Collections
Сборка: Tessa (в Tessa.dll) Версия: 4.0.5
public IEqualityComparer<T> Comparer { get; }

Значение свойства

The IEqualityComparerT generic interface implementation that is used to provide hash values and determine equality for the values in the current ConcurrentHashSetT.


ConcurrentHashSetT requires an equality implementation to determine whether values are equal. You can specify an implementation of the IEqualityComparerT generic interface by using a constructor that accepts a comparer parameter; if you do not specify one, the default generic equality comparer Default is used.

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