ContactSchema - класс

Represents the schem for contacts.


Пространство имён: Tessa.Exchange.WebServices.Data
Сборка: Tessa.Server (в Tessa.Server.dll) Версия: 4.0.5
public class ContactSchema : ItemSchema
Object    ServiceObjectSchema    ItemSchema    ContactSchema


EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Унаследован от Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Унаследован от Object)
GetEnumerator Obtains an enumerator for the properties of the schema.
(Унаследован от ServiceObjectSchema)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Унаследован от Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Унаследован от Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Унаследован от Object)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Унаследован от Object)


Alias Defines the Alias property.
AssistantName Defines the AssistantName property.
AssistantPhone Defines the AssistentPhone property.
Birthday Defines the Birthday property.
BusinessAddressCity Defines the BusinessAddressCity property.
BusinessAddressCountryOrRegion Defines the BusinessAddressCountryOrRegion property.
BusinessAddressPostalCode Defines the BusinessAddressPostalCode property.
BusinessAddressState Defines the BusinessAddressState property.
BusinessAddressStreet Defines the BusinessAddressStreet property.
BusinessFax Defines the BusinessFax property.
BusinessHomePage Defines the BusinessHomePage property.
BusinessPhone Defines the BusinessPhone property.
BusinessPhone2 Defines the BusinessPhone2 property.
Callback Defines the Callback property.
CarPhone Defines the CarPhone property.
Children Defines the Children property.
Companies Defines the Companies property.
CompanyMainPhone Defines the CompanyMainPhone property.
CompanyName Defines the CompanyName property.
CompleteName Defines the CompleteName property.
ContactSource Defines the ContactSource property.
Department Defines the Department property.
DirectoryId Defines the DirectoryId property.
DirectReports Defines the DirectReports property.
DisplayName Defines the DisplayName property.
EmailAddress1 Defines the EmailAddress1 property.
EmailAddress2 Defines the EmailAddress2 property.
EmailAddress3 Defines the EmailAddress3 property.
EmailAddresses Defines the EmailAddresses property.
FileAs Defines the FileAs property.
FileAsMapping Defines the FileAsMapping property.
Generation Defines the Generation property.
GivenName Defines the GivenName property.
HasPicture Defines the HasPicture property.
HomeAddressCity Defines the HomeAddressCity property.
HomeAddressCountryOrRegion Defines the HomeAddressCountryOrRegion property.
HomeAddressPostalCode Defines the HomeAddressPostalCode property.
HomeAddressState Defines the HomeAddressState property.
HomeAddressStreet Defines the HomeAddressStreet property.
HomeFax Defines the HomeFax property.
HomePhone Defines the HomePhone property.
HomePhone2 Defines the HomePhone2 property.
ImAddress1 Defines the ImAddress1 property.
ImAddress2 Defines the ImAddress2 property.
ImAddress3 Defines the ImAddress3 property.
ImAddresses Defines the ImAddresses property.
Initials Defines the Initials property.
Isdn Defines the Isdn property.
JobTitle Defines the JobTitle property.
Manager Defines the Manager property.
ManagerMailbox Defines the ManagerMailbox property.
MiddleName Defines the MiddleName property.
Mileage Defines the Mileage property.
MobilePhone Defines the MobilePhone property.
MSExchangeCertificate Defines the MSExchangeCertificate property.
NickName Defines the NickName property.
Notes Defines the Notes property.
OfficeLocation Defines the OfficeLocation property.
OtherAddressCity Defines the OtherAddressCity property.
OtherAddressCountryOrRegion Defines the OtherAddressCountryOrRegion property.
OtherAddressPostalCode Defines the OtherAddressPostalCode property.
OtherAddressState Defines the OtherAddressState property.
OtherAddressStreet Defines the OtherAddressStreet property.
OtherFax Defines the OtherFax property.
OtherTelephone Defines the OtherTelephone property.
Pager Defines the Pager property.
PhoneNumbers Defines the PhoneNumbers property.
PhoneticFirstName Defines the PhoneticFirstName property.
PhoneticFullName Defines the PhoneticFullName property.
PhoneticLastName Defines the PhoneticLastName property.
Photo Defines the Photo property.
PhysicalAddresses Defines the PhysicalAddresses property.
PostalAddressIndex Defines the PostalAddressIndex property.
PrimaryPhone Defines the PrimaryPhone property.
Profession Defines the Profession property.
RadioPhone Defines the RadioPhone property.
SpouseName Defines the SpouseName property.
Surname Defines the Surname property.
Telex Defines the Telex property.
TtyTddPhone Defines the TtyTddPhone property.
UserSMIMECertificate Defines the UserSMIMECertificate property.
WeddingAnniversary Defines the WeddingAnniversary property.

Методы расширения

(Определяется ComHelper)
(Определяется ComHelper)
(Определяется ComHelper)

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