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TessaDoughnuntSegment - методы

Тип TessaDoughnuntSegment предоставляет следующие члены.

Защищённый методAlignHiLoSegment
This method is used to change High and Low values, When the High value lesser than Open value or Low value greater than Close value.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методCheckAccess (Унаследован от DispatcherObject.)
Открытый методClearValue(DependencyProperty) (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Открытый методClearValue(DependencyPropertyKey) (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Открытый методCoerceValue (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Открытый методCreateVisual(Size)
Used for creating UIElement for rendering this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от DoughnutSegment.)
Открытый методCreateVisual(Size)
Used for creating UIElement for rendering this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
Открытый методEquals (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Защищённый методFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Унаследован от Object.)
Открытый методGetHashCode (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Открытый методGetLocalValueEnumerator (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Открытый методGetRenderedVisual
Gets the UIElement used for rendering this segment.
(Переопределяет DoughnutSegment.GetRenderedVisual.)
Открытый методGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Унаследован от Object.)
Открытый методGetValue (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Открытый методInternalSetData
Открытый методInvalidateProperty (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Защищённый методMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Унаследован от Object.)
Защищённый методOnPropertyChanged(String)
Called when Property changed
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Защищённый методOnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs) (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Открытый методOnSizeChanged
Called whenever the segment's size changed. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от DoughnutSegment.)
Открытый методReadLocalValue (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Открытый методSetCurrentValue (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Открытый методSetData(Double)
Sets the values for this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(ListPoint) Устарело.
Sets the values for this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(ListChartPoint)
Sets the values for this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(IListDouble, IListDouble)
Sets the values for this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(IListDouble, IListDouble, Brush)
Sets the values for this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(IListDouble, IListDouble, IListDouble)
Sets the values for this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(ListDouble, IListDouble, Double, Double)
Sets the values for this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the 3DChart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(IListDouble, IListDouble, Brush, Int32)
Sets the values for Technical indicator segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(Point, Point, Point, Point) Устарело.
Sets the values for this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(ChartPoint, ChartPoint, ChartPoint, ChartPoint) (Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(IListDouble, IListDouble, IListDouble, IListDouble)
Sets the values for this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(IListDouble, IListDouble, IListDouble, IListDouble, IListDouble)
Sets the values for this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(Point, Point, Point, Point, Boolean) Устарело.
Sets the values for this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(ChartPoint, ChartPoint, ChartPoint, ChartPoint, Boolean) (Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point)
Sets the values for this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Boolean) Устарело.
Sets the values for this segment. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetData(ChartPoint, ChartPoint, ChartPoint, ChartPoint, ChartPoint, ChartPoint, Boolean) (Унаследован от ChartSegment.)
Открытый методSetValue(DependencyProperty, Object) (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Открытый методSetValue(DependencyPropertyKey, Object) (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Защищённый методSetVisualBindings
Method Implementation for set Binding to CgartSegments properties
(Унаследован от DoughnutSegment.)
Защищённый методShouldSerializeProperty (Унаследован от DependencyObject.)
Открытый методToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Унаследован от Object.)
Открытый методUpdate
Updates the segments based on its data point value. This method is not intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by any derived class.
(Переопределяет DoughnutSegment.Update(IChartTransformer).)
Открытый методVerifyAccess (Унаследован от DispatcherObject.)
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Методы расширения
Открытый метод расширенияGet (Определяется ComHelper.)
Открытый метод расширенияInternalMarkerCanvas
Возвращает маркер аннотации
(Определяется AnnotationInternalsAccessor.)
Открытый метод расширенияInvoke (Определяется ComHelper.)
Открытый метод расширенияSet (Определяется ComHelper.)
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