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Tessa.Platform.CommandLine - пространство имён

API для утилит, использующих командную строку.
Открытый классArgumentAttribute
Specifies a name for an argument.
Открытый классArgumentEnumerator
Supports parsing of command-line arguments and iterating over them.
Открытый классCommand
Represents a command that performs an action.
Открытый классCommandArgumentException
The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a command is not valid.
Открытый классCommandCanceledException
The exception that is thrown in a command upon cancellation of parsing input that the CommandContextScope was processing.
Открытый классCommandCollection
Represents an collection of Command child elements.
Открытый классCommandContext
Implements a Command that executes a child command.
Открытый классCommandContextScope
Creates a block within which a navigation through CommandContext is possible.
Открытый классCommandException
The exception that is thrown when execution of a command fails.
Открытый классCommandExtensions
Provides a set of static (Shared in Visual Basic) methods for working objects that implement Command instances.
Открытый классCommandHelpers
Provides utility methods that perform common tasks.
Открытый классCommandLineIOExtensions
Provides utility methods that perform common tasks.
Открытый классDelegateCommand
Implements a Command that executes a delegate.
Открытый классErrorAttribute
Indicates that error stream should be passed to parameter.
Открытый классExampleAttribute
Specifies an example for a command.
Открытый классFlagAttribute
Specifies a name for an enum value.
Открытый классInputAttribute
Indicates that input stream should be passed to parameter.
Открытый классOutputAttribute
Indicates that output stream should be passed to parameter.
Открытый классRemarksAttribute
Specifies remarks for a command.
Открытый классVerbAttribute
Specifies a name for a command.