isIndicates that the container has been initialized. Adding new extensions is not possible.
Initializes the extension container.
Initialization context.
DI container.
Registers a specific extension in the container.
The current extension container.
Registration parameters.
The extension that needs to be registered in the container.
...params: unknown[]Optional
extensionИмя регистрируемого расширения.
extensionТип регистрируемого расширения.
order?: numberThe order of execution, taking into account the type of extension and the stage of execution.
singleton?: booleanA flag indicating the lifetime of an instance of extensions.
stage?: ExtensionStageThe stage of the extension execution in the extension chain.
when?: ExtensionRegisterPredicate<E, ExtractExtensionContext<E>> | ExtensionRegisterPredicate<E, ExtractExtensionContext<E>>[]Function or array of functions that accept the context of extension execution and allowing extensions to be performed only under certain conditions. If `true', then the lifetime of the extension instance will coincide with the lifetime of the container.
Returns an object that performs extensions of the specified type. The method never returns `null'. If the extension type has not been registered in the container, then the method does not throw an exception, but returns an object that does not perform actions.
An object that performs extensions of the specified type.
The type of extension to return the object for.
options: null | ExtensionExecutorOptionsAdditional options for the returned object.
Generated using TypeDoc
An extension container.