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Tessa.Exchange.WebServices.Autodiscover - пространство имён

Открытый классAlternateMailbox
Represents an alternate mailbox.
Открытый классAlternateMailboxCollection
Represents a user setting that is a collection of alternate mailboxes.
Открытый классAutodiscoverError
Represents an error returned by the Autodiscover service.
Открытый классAutodiscoverRemoteException
Represents an exception that is thrown when the Autodiscover service returns an error.
Открытый классAutodiscoverResponse
Represents the base class for all responses returned by the Autodiscover service.
Открытый классAutodiscoverResponseCollectionTResponse
Represents a collection of responses to a call to the Autodiscover service.
Открытый классAutodiscoverResponseException
Represents an exception from an autodiscover error response.
Открытый классAutodiscoverService
Represents a binding to the Exchange Autodiscover Service.
Открытый классDocumentSharingLocation
Represents a sharing location.
Открытый классDocumentSharingLocationCollection
Represents a user setting that is a collection of alternate mailboxes.
Открытый классDomainSettingError
Represents an error from a GetDomainSettings request.
Открытый классGetDomainSettingsResponse
Represents the response to a GetDomainSettings call for an individual domain.
Открытый классGetDomainSettingsResponseCollection
Represents a collection of responses to GetDomainSettings
Открытый классGetUserSettingsResponse
Represents the response to a GetUsersSettings call for an individual user.
Открытый классGetUserSettingsResponseCollection
Represents a collection of responses to GetUserSettings
Открытый классProtocolConnection
Represents the email Protocol connection settings for pop/imap/smtp protocols.
Открытый классProtocolConnectionCollection
Represents a user setting that is a collection of protocol connection.
Открытый классUserSettingError
Represents an error from a GetUserSettings request.
Открытый классWebClientUrl
Represents the URL of the Exchange web client.
Открытый классWebClientUrlCollection
Represents a user setting that is a collection of Exchange web client URLs.
Открытый делегатAutodiscoverRedirectionUrlValidationCallback
Defines a delegate that is used by the AutodiscoverService to ask whether a redirectionUrl can be used.
Открытое перечислениеAutodiscoverErrorCode
Defines the error codes that can be returned by the Autodiscover service.
Открытое перечислениеDomainSettingName
Domain setting names.
Открытое перечислениеUserSettingName
User settings that can be requested using GetUserSettings.