| Имя члена | Значение | Описание |
| UserDisplayName | 0 |
The display name of the user.
| UserDN | 1 |
The legacy distinguished name of the user.
| UserDeploymentId | 2 |
The deployment Id of the user.
| InternalMailboxServer | 3 |
The fully qualified domain name of the mailbox server.
| InternalRpcClientServer | 4 |
The fully qualified domain name of the RPC client server.
| InternalMailboxServerDN | 5 |
The legacy distinguished name of the mailbox server.
| InternalEcpUrl | 6 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel.
| InternalEcpVoicemailUrl | 7 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for VoiceMail Customization.
| InternalEcpEmailSubscriptionsUrl | 8 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Email Subscriptions.
| InternalEcpTextMessagingUrl | 9 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Text Messaging.
| InternalEcpDeliveryReportUrl | 10 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Delivery Reports.
| InternalEcpRetentionPolicyTagsUrl | 11 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for RetentionPolicy Tags.
| InternalEcpPublishingUrl | 12 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Publishing.
| InternalEcpPhotoUrl | 13 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for photos.
| InternalEcpConnectUrl | 14 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for People Connect subscriptions.
| InternalEcpTeamMailboxUrl | 15 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Team Mailbox.
| InternalEcpTeamMailboxCreatingUrl | 16 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for creating Team Mailbox.
| InternalEcpTeamMailboxEditingUrl | 17 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for editing Team Mailbox.
| InternalEcpTeamMailboxHidingUrl | 18 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for hiding Team Mailbox.
| InternalEcpExtensionInstallationUrl | 19 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for the extension installation.
| InternalEwsUrl | 20 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Web Services.
| InternalEmwsUrl | 21 |
The internal URL of the Exchange Management Web Services.
| InternalOABUrl | 22 |
The internal URL of the Offline Address Book.
| InternalPhotosUrl | 23 |
The internal URL of the Photos service.
| InternalUMUrl | 24 |
The internal URL of the Unified Messaging services.
| InternalWebClientUrls | 25 |
The internal URLs of the Exchange web client.
| MailboxDN | 26 |
The distinguished name of the mailbox database of the user's mailbox.
| PublicFolderServer | 27 |
The name of the Public Folders server.
| ActiveDirectoryServer | 28 |
The name of the Active Directory server.
| ExternalMailboxServer | 29 |
The name of the RPC over HTTP server.
| ExternalMailboxServerRequiresSSL | 30 |
Indicates whether the RPC over HTTP server requires SSL.
| ExternalMailboxServerAuthenticationMethods | 31 |
The authentication methods supported by the RPC over HTTP server.
| EcpVoicemailUrlFragment | 32 |
The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for VoiceMail Customization.
| EcpEmailSubscriptionsUrlFragment | 33 |
The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for Email Subscriptions.
| EcpTextMessagingUrlFragment | 34 |
The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for Text Messaging.
| EcpDeliveryReportUrlFragment | 35 |
The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for Delivery Reports.
| EcpRetentionPolicyTagsUrlFragment | 36 |
The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for RetentionPolicy Tags.
| EcpPublishingUrlFragment | 37 |
The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for Publishing.
| EcpPhotoUrlFragment | 38 |
The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for photos.
| EcpConnectUrlFragment | 39 |
The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for People Connect.
| EcpTeamMailboxUrlFragment | 40 |
The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for Team Mailbox.
| EcpTeamMailboxCreatingUrlFragment | 41 |
The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for creating Team Mailbox.
| EcpTeamMailboxEditingUrlFragment | 42 |
The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for editing Team Mailbox.
| EcpExtensionInstallationUrlFragment | 43 |
The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for installing extension.
| ExternalEcpUrl | 44 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel.
| ExternalEcpVoicemailUrl | 45 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for VoiceMail Customization.
| ExternalEcpEmailSubscriptionsUrl | 46 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Email Subscriptions.
| ExternalEcpTextMessagingUrl | 47 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Text Messaging.
| ExternalEcpDeliveryReportUrl | 48 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Delivery Reports.
| ExternalEcpRetentionPolicyTagsUrl | 49 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for RetentionPolicy Tags.
| ExternalEcpPublishingUrl | 50 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Publishing.
| ExternalEcpPhotoUrl | 51 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for photos.
| ExternalEcpConnectUrl | 52 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for People Connect subscriptions.
| ExternalEcpTeamMailboxUrl | 53 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Team Mailbox.
| ExternalEcpTeamMailboxCreatingUrl | 54 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for creating Team Mailbox.
| ExternalEcpTeamMailboxEditingUrl | 55 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for editing Team Mailbox.
| ExternalEcpTeamMailboxHidingUrl | 56 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for hiding Team Mailbox.
| ExternalEcpExtensionInstallationUrl | 57 |
The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for the extension installation.
| ExternalEwsUrl | 58 |
The external URL of the Exchange Web Services.
| ExternalEmwsUrl | 59 |
The external URL of the Exchange Management Web Services.
| ExternalOABUrl | 60 |
The external URL of the Offline Address Book.
| ExternalPhotosUrl | 61 |
The external URL of the Photos service.
| ExternalUMUrl | 62 |
The external URL of the Unified Messaging services.
| ExternalWebClientUrls | 63 |
The external URLs of the Exchange web client.
| CrossOrganizationSharingEnabled | 64 |
Indicates that cross-organization sharing is enabled.
| AlternateMailboxes | 65 |
Collection of alternate mailboxes.
| CasVersion | 66 |
The version of the Client Access Server serving the request (e.g. 14.XX.YYY.ZZZ)
| EwsSupportedSchemas | 67 |
Comma-separated list of schema versions supported by Exchange Web Services. The schema version values
will be the same as the values of the ExchangeServerVersion enumeration.
| InternalPop3Connections | 68 |
The internal connection settings list for pop protocol
| ExternalPop3Connections | 69 |
The external connection settings list for pop protocol
| InternalImap4Connections | 70 |
The internal connection settings list for imap4 protocol
| ExternalImap4Connections | 71 |
The external connection settings list for imap4 protocol
| InternalSmtpConnections | 72 |
The internal connection settings list for smtp protocol
| ExternalSmtpConnections | 73 |
The external connection settings list for smtp protocol
| InternalServerExclusiveConnect | 74 |
If set to "Off" then clients should not connect via this protocol.
The protocol contents are for informational purposes only.
| ExternalEwsVersion | 75 |
The version of the Exchange Web Services server ExternalEwsUrl is pointing to.
| MobileMailboxPolicy | 76 |
Mobile Mailbox policy settings.
| DocumentSharingLocations | 77 |
Document sharing locations and their settings.
| UserMSOnline | 78 |
Whether the user account is an MSOnline account.
| InternalMailboxServerAuthenticationMethods | 79 |
The authentication methods supported by the RPC client server.
| MailboxVersion | 80 |
Version of the server hosting the user's mailbox.
| SPMySiteHostURL | 81 |
Sharepoint MySite Host URL.
| SiteMailboxCreationURL | 82 |
Site mailbox creation URL in SharePoint.
It's used by Outlook to create site mailbox from SharePoint directly.
| InternalRpcHttpServer | 83 |
The FQDN of the server used for internal RPC/HTTP connectivity.
| InternalRpcHttpConnectivityRequiresSsl | 84 |
Indicates whether SSL is required for internal RPC/HTTP connectivity.
| InternalRpcHttpAuthenticationMethod | 85 |
The authentication method used for internal RPC/HTTP connectivity.
| ExternalServerExclusiveConnect | 86 |
If set to "On" then clients should only connect via this protocol.
| ExchangeRpcUrl | 87 |
If set, then clients can call the server via XTC
| ShowGalAsDefaultView | 88 |
If set to false then clients should not show the GAL by default, but show the contact list.
| AutoDiscoverSMTPAddress | 89 |
AutoDiscover Primary SMTP Address for the user.
| InteropExternalEwsUrl | 90 |
The 'interop' external URL of the Exchange Web Services.
By interop it means a URL to E14 (or later) server that can serve mailboxes
that are hosted in downlevel server (E2K3 and earlier).
| InteropExternalEwsVersion | 91 |
Version of server InteropExternalEwsUrl is pointing to.
| PublicFolderInformation | 92 |
Public Folder (Hierarchy) information
| RedirectUrl | 93 |
The version appropriate URL of the AutoDiscover service that should answer this query.
| EwsPartnerUrl | 94 |
The URL of the Exchange Web Services for Office365 partners.
| CertPrincipalName | 95 |
SSL certificate name
| GroupingInformation | 96 |
The grouping hint for certain clients.
| InternalOutlookServiceUrl | 98 |
Internal OutlookService URL
| ExternalOutlookServiceUrl | 99 |
External OutlookService URL