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AppointmentUpdate - метод

Список перегрузок
Открытый методUpdate(ConflictResolutionMode, CancellationToken)
Applies the local changes that have been made to this item. Calling this method results in at least one call to EWS. Mutliple calls to EWS might be made if attachments have been added or removed.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытый методUpdate(ConflictResolutionMode, SendInvitationsOrCancellationsMode, CancellationToken)
Applies the local changes that have been made to this appointment. Calling this method results in at least one call to EWS. Mutliple calls to EWS might be made if attachments have been added or removed.
Открытый методUpdate(ConflictResolutionMode, Boolean, CancellationToken)
Applies the local changes that have been made to this item. Calling this method results in at least one call to EWS. Mutliple calls to EWS might be made if attachments have been added or removed.
(Унаследован от Item.)
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