Tessa.Exchange.WebServices.Data - пространство имён |
Класс | Описание | |
AcceptMeetingInvitationMessage |
Represents a meeting acceptance message.
| |
AccountIsLockedException |
Represents an error that occurs when the account that is being accessed is locked and requires user interaction to be unlocked.
| |
AddressEntity |
Represents an AddressEntity object.
| |
AddressEntityCollection |
Represents a collection of AddressEntity objects.
| |
AlternateId |
Represents an Id expressed in a specific format.
| |
AlternateIdBase |
Represents the base class for Id expressed in a specific format.
| |
AlternatePublicFolderId |
Represents the Id of a public folder expressed in a specific format.
| |
AlternatePublicFolderItemId |
Represents the Id of a public folder item expressed in a specific format.
| |
Appointment |
Represents an appointment or a meeting. Properties available on appointments are defined in the AppointmentSchema class.
| |
AppointmentOccurrenceId |
Represents the Id of an occurrence of a recurring appointment.
| |
AppointmentSchema |
Represents the schema for appointment and meeting requests.
| |
ApprovalRequestData |
Represents approval request information.
| |
ArchiveItemResponse |
Represents a response to a Move or Copy operation.
| |
ArchiveTag |
Represents the archive tag of an item or folder.
| |
Attachment |
Represents an attachment to an item.
| |
AttachmentCollection |
Represents an item's attachment collection.
| |
Attendee |
Represents an attendee to a meeting.
| |
AttendeeAvailability |
Represents the availability of an individual attendee.
| |
AttendeeCollection |
Represents a collection of attendees.
| |
AttendeeInfo |
Represents information about an attendee for which to request availability information.
| |
AttributedString |
Represents an attributed string, a string with a value and a list of attributions.
| |
AttributedStringCollection |
Represents a collection of attributed strings
| |
Attribution |
Represents an attribution of an attributed string
| |
AttributionCollection |
Represents a collection of attributions
| |
AutodiscoverLocalException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when the Autodiscover service could not be contacted.
| |
AvailabilityOptions |
Represents the options of a GetAvailability request.
| |
BasicAuthModuleForUTF8 |
Custom basic authentication module for non ascii user names
| |
BatchServiceResponseExceptionTResponse |
Represents a remote service exception that can have multiple service responses.
| |
ByteArrayArray |
Represents an array of byte arrays
| |
CalendarActionResults |
Represents the results of an action performed on a calendar item or meeting message,
such as accepting, tentatively accepting or declining a meeting request.
| |
CalendarEvent |
Represents an event in a calendar.
| |
CalendarEventDetails |
Represents the details of a calendar event as returned by the GetUserAvailability operation.
| |
CalendarFolder |
Represents a folder containing appointments.
| |
CalendarResponseMessageTMessage |
Represents the base class for accept, tentatively accept and decline response messages.
| |
CalendarResponseMessageBaseTMessage |
Represents the base class for all calendar-related response messages.
| |
CalendarView |
Represents a date range view of appointments in calendar folder search operations.
| |
CancelMeetingMessage |
Represents a meeting cancellation message.
| |
Change |
Represents a change as returned by a synchronization operation.
| |
ChangeCollectionTChange |
Represents a collection of changes as returned by a synchronization operation.
| |
ChangeHighlights |
Encapsulates information on the changehighlights of a meeting request.
| |
ClientAccessTokenRequest |
Represents a client token access request
| |
ClientApp |
Represents a app in GetAppManifests response.
| |
ClientAppMetadata |
Represents a ClientAppMetadata object.
| |
ClientCertificateCredentials |
ClientCertificateCredentials wraps an instance of X509CertificateCollection used for client certification-based authentication.
| |
ClientExtension |
Represents a ClientExtension object.
| |
CompanyInsightValue |
Represents the CompanyInsightValue.
| |
CompanyInsightValueCollection |
Represents the collection of job insights.
| |
CompleteName |
Represents the complete name of a contact.
| |
ComplexProperty |
Represents a property that can be sent to or retrieved from EWS.
| |
ComplexPropertyCollectionTComplexProperty |
Represents a collection of properties that can be sent to and retrieved from EWS.
| |
ComputedInsightValue |
Represents the ComputedInsightValue.
| |
ComputedInsightValueProperty |
Represents a computed insight value.
| |
ComputedInsightValuePropertyCollection |
Represents a collection of computed insight values.
| |
Conflict |
Represents a conflict in a meeting time suggestion.
| |
Contact |
Represents a contact. Properties available on contacts are defined in the ContactSchema class.
| |
ContactEntity |
Represents an ContactEntity object.
| |
ContactEntityCollection |
Represents a collection of ContactEntity objects.
| |
ContactGroup |
Represents a Contact Group. Properties available on contact groups are defined in the ContactGroupSchema class.
| |
ContactGroupSchema |
Represents the schema for contact groups.
| |
ContactPhoneEntity |
Represents an ContactPhoneEntity object.
| |
ContactPhoneEntityCollection |
Represents a collection of ContactPhoneEntity objects.
| |
ContactSchema |
Represents the schem for contacts.
| |
ContactsFolder |
Represents a folder containing contacts.
| |
Conversation |
Represents a collection of Conversation related properties.
Properties available on this object are defined in the ConversationSchema class.
| |
ConversationId |
Represents the Id of a Conversation.
| |
ConversationIndexedItemView |
Represents the view settings in a folder search operation.
| |
ConversationNode |
Represents the response to a GetConversationItems operation.
| |
ConversationNodeCollection |
Represents a collection of conversation items.
| |
ConversationRequest | ||
ConversationResponse | ||
ConversationSchema |
Represents the schema for Conversation.
| |
ConvertIdResponse |
Represents the response to an individual Id conversion operation.
| |
CreateAttachmentException |
Represents an error that occurs when a call to the CreateAttachment web method fails.
| |
CreateAttachmentResponse |
Represents the response to an individual attachment creation operation.
| |
CreateRuleOperation |
Represents an operation to create a new rule.
| |
DayOfTheWeekCollection |
Represents a collection of DayOfTheWeek values.
| |
DeclineMeetingInvitationMessage |
Represents a meeting declination message.
| |
DelegateInformation |
Represents the results of a GetDelegates operation.
| |
DelegatePermissions |
Represents the permissions of a delegate user.
| |
DelegateUser |
Represents a delegate user.
| |
DelegateUserResponse |
Represents the response to an individual delegate user manipulation (add, remove, update) operation.
| |
DeleteAttachmentException |
Represents an error that occurs when a call to the DeleteAttachment web method fails.
| |
DeleteAttachmentResponse |
Represents the response to an individual attachment deletion operation.
| |
DeletedOccurrenceInfo |
Encapsulates information on the deleted occurrence of a recurring appointment.
| |
DeletedOccurrenceInfoCollection |
Represents a collection of deleted occurrence objects.
| |
DeleteRuleOperation |
Represents an operation to delete an existing rule.
| |
DelveDocument |
Represents the DelveDocument.
| |
DictionaryEntryPropertyTKey |
Represents an entry of a DictionaryProperty object.
| |
DictionaryPropertyTKey, TEntry |
Represents a generic dictionary that can be sent to or retrieved from EWS.
| |
DiscoverySearchConfiguration |
Represents mailbox query object.
| |
EducationInsightValue |
Represents the EducationInsightValue.
| |
EmailAddress |
Represents an e-mail address.
| |
EmailAddressCollection |
Represents a collection of e-mail addresses.
| |
EmailAddressDictionary |
Represents a dictionary of e-mail addresses.
| |
EmailAddressEntity |
Represents an EmailAddressEntity object.
| |
EmailAddressEntityCollection |
Represents a collection of EmailAddressEntity objects.
| |
EmailAddressEntry |
Represents an entry of an EmailAddressDictionary.
| |
EmailInsightValue |
Represents the EmailInsightValue.
| |
EmailMessage |
Represents an e-mail message. Properties available on e-mail messages are defined in the EmailMessageSchema class.
| |
EmailMessageSchema |
Represents the schema for e-mail messages.
| |
EmailUserEntity |
Represents an EmailUserEntity object.
| |
EmailUserEntityCollection |
Represents a collection of EmailUserEntity objects.
| |
EnhancedLocation |
Represents Enhanced Location.
| |
EntityExtractionResult |
Represents an EntityExtractionResult object.
| |
ExchangeCredentials |
Base class of Exchange credential types.
| |
ExchangeServerInfo |
Represents Exchange server information.
| |
ExchangeService |
Represents a binding to the Exchange Web Services.
| |
ExchangeServiceBase |
Represents an abstract binding to an Exchange Service.
| |
ExpandGroupResults |
Represents the results of an ExpandGroup operation.
| |
ExtendedAttribute |
Class ExtendedAttribute
| |
ExtendedAttributes |
Class ExtendedAttributes
| |
ExtendedProperty |
Represents an extended property.
| |
ExtendedPropertyCollection |
Represents a collection of extended properties.
| |
ExtendedPropertyDefinition |
Represents the definition of an extended property.
| |
ExtractedEntity |
Represents an ExtractedEntity object.
| |
FailedSearchMailbox |
Represents failed mailbox to be searched
| |
FileAttachment |
Represents a file attachment.
| |
FindConversationResults |
Represents the results of an conversation search operation.
| |
FindFolderResponse |
Represents the response to a folder search operation.
| |
FindFoldersResults |
Represents the results of a folder search operation.
| |
FindItemsResultsTItem |
Represents the results of an item search operation.
| |
FindPeopleResults |
Represents the results of an Persona search operation.
| |
Flag |
Encapsulates information on the occurrence of a recurring appointment.
| |
Folder |
Represents a generic folder.
| |
FolderChange |
Represents a change on a folder as returned by a synchronization operation.
| |
FolderEvent |
Represents an event that applies to a folder.
| |
FolderId |
Represents the Id of a folder.
| |
FolderIdCollection |
Represents a collection of folder Ids.
| |
FolderPermission |
Represents a permission on a folder.
| |
FolderPermissionCollection |
Represents a collection of folder permissions.
| |
FolderSchema |
Represents the schema for folders.
| |
FolderView |
Represents the view settings in a folder search operation.
| |
GetAttachmentResponse |
Represents the response to an individual attachment retrieval request.
| |
GetClientAccessTokenResponse |
Represents the response to a GetClientAccessToken operation.
| |
GetClientExtensionResponse |
Represents the response to a GetClientExtension operation.
| |
GetConversationItemsResponse |
Represents the response to a GetConversationItems operation.
| |
GetDiscoverySearchConfigurationResponse |
Represents the GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration response.
| |
GetEventsResults |
Represents a collection of notification events.
| |
GetFolderResponse |
Represents the response to an individual folder retrieval operation.
| |
GetHoldOnMailboxesResponse |
Represents the GetHoldOnMailboxes response.
| |
GetItemResponse |
Represents a response to an individual item retrieval operation.
| |
GetNonIndexableItemDetailsParameters |
Represents get non indexable item details parameters.
| |
GetNonIndexableItemDetailsResponse |
Represents the GetNonIndexableItemDetails response.
| |
GetNonIndexableItemStatisticsParameters |
Represents get non indexable item statistics parameters.
| |
GetNonIndexableItemStatisticsResponse |
Represents the GetNonIndexableItemStatistics response.
| |
GetOMEConfigurationResponse |
Represents the response to a GetOMEConfiguration operation.
| |
GetSearchableMailboxesResponse |
Represents the GetSearchableMailboxes response.
| |
GetUserAvailabilityResults |
Represents the results of a GetUserAvailability operation.
| |
GetUserPhotoResults |
Represents the results of a GetUserPhoto operation.
| |
GetUserRetentionPolicyTagsResponse |
Represents the GetUserRetentionPolicyTagsResponse response.
| |
GroupedFindItemsResultsTItem |
Represents the results of an item search operation.
| |
Grouping |
Represents grouping options in item search operations.
| |
GroupMember |
Represents a group member.
| |
GroupMemberCollection |
Represents a collection of members of GroupMember type.
| |
HighlightTerm |
Represents an AQS highlight term.
| |
ImAddressDictionary |
Represents a dictionary of Instant Messaging addresses.
| |
ImAddressEntry |
Represents an entry of an ImAddressDictionary.
| |
ImpersonatedUserId |
Represents an impersonated user Id.
| |
IndexedPropertyDefinition |
Represents an indexed property definition.
| |
InsightValue |
Represents the InsightValue.
| |
InsightValueCollection |
Represents the collection of InsightValue.
| |
InternetMessageHeader |
Represents an Internet message header.
| |
InternetMessageHeaderCollection |
Represents a collection of Internet message headers.
| |
Item |
Represents a generic item. Properties available on items are defined in the ItemSchema class.
| |
ItemAttachment |
Represents an item attachment.
| |
ItemAttachmentTItem |
Represents a strongly typed item attachment.
| |
ItemChange |
Represents a change on an item as returned by a synchronization operation.
| |
ItemCollectionTItem |
Represents a collection of items.
| |
ItemEvent |
Represents an event that applies to an item.
| |
ItemGroupTItem |
Represents a group of items as returned by grouped item search operations.
| |
ItemId |
Represents the Id of an Exchange item.
| |
ItemIdCollection |
Represents a collection of item Ids.
| |
ItemSchema |
Represents the schema for generic items.
| |
ItemView |
Represents the view settings in a folder search operation.
| |
JobInsightValue |
Represents the JobInsightValue.
| |
JobInsightValueCollection |
Represents the collection of job insights.
| |
KeywordStatisticsSearchResult |
Represents the keyword statistics result.
| |
Mailbox |
Represents a mailbox reference.
| |
MailboxHoldResult |
Represents mailbox hold result
| |
MailboxHoldStatus |
Represents mailbox hold status
| |
MailboxQuery |
Represents mailbox query object.
| |
MailboxSearchScope |
Represents mailbox search scope object.
| |
MailboxStatisticsItem |
Mailbox statistics item
| |
ManagedFolderInformation |
Represents information for a managed folder.
| |
ManagementRoles |
| |
MarkAsJunkResponse |
Definition for MarkAsJunkResponse
| |
MeetingCancellation |
Represents a meeting cancellation message. Properties available on meeting messages are defined in the MeetingMessageSchema class.
| |
MeetingCancellationSchema |
Represents the schema for meeting messages.
| |
MeetingInsightValue |
Represents the MeetingInsightValue.
| |
MeetingMessage |
Represents a meeting-related message. Properties available on meeting messages are defined in the MeetingMessageSchema class.
| |
MeetingMessageSchema |
Represents the schema for meeting messages.
| |
MeetingRequest |
Represents a meeting request that an attendee can accept or decline. Properties available on meeting requests are defined in the MeetingRequestSchema class.
| |
MeetingRequestSchema |
Represents the schema for meeting requests.
| |
MeetingResponse |
Represents a response to a meeting request. Properties available on meeting messages are defined in the MeetingMessageSchema class.
| |
MeetingResponseSchema |
Represents the schema for meeting messages.
| |
MeetingSuggestion |
Represents an MeetingSuggestion object.
| |
MeetingSuggestionCollection |
Represents a collection of MeetingSuggestion objects.
| |
MessageBody |
Represents the body of a message.
| |
MimeContent |
Represents the MIME content of an item.
| |
MimeContentBase |
Represents the MIME content of an item.
| |
MimeContentUTF8 |
Represents the MIME content of an item.
| |
MobilePhone |
Represents a mobile phone.
| |
MoveCopyFolderResponse |
Represents the base response class for individual folder move and copy operations.
| |
MoveCopyItemResponse |
Represents a response to a Move or Copy operation.
| |
MultiValueInsightContent |
Represents the MultiValueInsightContent.
| |
NameResolution |
Represents a suggested name resolution.
| |
NameResolutionCollection |
Represents a list of suggested name resolutions.
| |
NonIndexableItem |
Represents non indexable item.
| |
NonIndexableItemDetailsResult |
Represents non indexable item details result.
| |
NonIndexableItemParameters |
Represents non indexable item parameters base class
| |
NonIndexableItemStatistic |
Represents non indexable item statistic.
| |
NormalizedBody |
Represents the normalized body of an item - the HTML fragment representation of the body.
| |
NotificationEvent |
Represents an event as exposed by push and pull notifications.
| |
NotificationEventArgs |
Provides data to a StreamingSubscriptionConnection's OnNotificationEvent event.
| |
OAuthCredentials |
OAuthCredentials provides credentials for server-to-server authentication. The JSON web token is
defined at http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-jones-json-web-token-03.txt. The token string is
base64url encoded (described in http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4648.txt, section 5).
OAuthCredentials is supported for Exchange 2013 or above.
| |
OccurrenceInfo |
Encapsulates information on the occurrence of a recurring appointment.
| |
OccurrenceInfoCollection |
Represents a collection of OccurrenceInfo objects.
| |
OnlineMeetingSettings |
Represents Lync online meeting settings.
| |
OofReply |
Represents an Out of Office response.
| |
OofSettings |
Represents a user's Out of Office (OOF) settings.
| |
OrderByCollection |
Represents an ordered collection of property definitions qualified with a sort direction.
| |
OutOfOfficeInsightValue |
Represents the OutOfOfficeInsightValue.
| |
PagedView |
Represents a view settings that support paging in a search operation.
| |
PeopleIndexedItemView |
Represents the view settings in a folder search operation.
| |
PeopleQueryContextKeys |
Lists different keys that can be passed to the people query context dictionary
| |
PeopleQueryMode |
Represents the results of a People Index search operation.
| |
PeopleQueryResults |
Represents the results of an Persona search operation.
| |
PeopleQuerySource |
Lists the names of various sources of people
| |
Person |
Represents the Person.
| |
Persona |
Represents a Persona. Properties available on Personas are defined in the PersonaSchema class.
| |
PersonaEmailAddress |
Represents an e-mail address.
| |
PersonaEmailAddressCollection |
Represents a collection of persona e-mail addresses.
| |
PersonaId |
Represents the Id of a Persona.
| |
PersonaPostalAddress |
Represents PersonaPostalAddress.
| |
PersonaSchema |
Persona schema
| |
PersonInsight |
Represents the PersonInsight.
| |
PersonInsightCollection |
Represents the collection of person insights.
| |
PhoneCall |
Represents a phone call.
| |
PhoneEntity |
Represents an PhoneEntity object.
| |
PhoneEntityCollection |
Represents a collection of PhoneEntity objects.
| |
PhoneNumberDictionary |
Represents a dictionary of phone numbers.
| |
PhoneNumberEntry |
Represents an entry of a PhoneNumberDictionary.
| |
PhysicalAddressDictionary |
Represents a dictionary of physical addresses.
| |
PhysicalAddressEntry |
Represents an entry of an PhysicalAddressDictionary.
| |
PolicyTag |
Represents the policy tag of an item or folder.
| |
PostItem |
Represents a post item. Properties available on post items are defined in the PostItemSchema class.
| |
PostItemSchema |
Represents the schema for post items.
| |
PostReply |
Represents a reply to a post item.
| |
PreviewItemMailbox |
Represents mailbox object for preview item.
| |
PreviewItemResponseShape |
Represents preview item response shape
| |
ProfileInsightValue |
Represents the ProfileInsightValue.
| |
ProfileInsightValueCollection |
Represents the collection of profile insight values.
| |
PropertyDefinition |
Represents the definition of a folder or item property.
| |
PropertyDefinitionBase |
Represents the base class for all property definitions.
| |
PropertyException |
Represents an error that occurs when an operation on a property fails.
| |
PropertySet |
Represents a set of item or folder properties. Property sets are used to indicate what properties of an item or
folder should be loaded when binding to an existing item or folder or when loading an item or folder's properties.
| |
PullSubscription |
Represents a pull subscription.
| |
PushSubscription |
Represents a push subscriptions.
| |
Recurrence |
Represents a recurrence pattern, as used by Appointment and Task items.
| |
RecurrenceDailyPattern |
Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens a specific number of days after the previous one.
| |
RecurrenceDailyRegenerationPattern |
Represents a regeneration pattern, as used with recurring tasks, where each occurrence happens a specified number of days after the previous one is completed.
| |
RecurrenceIntervalPattern |
Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens at a specific interval after the previous one.
| |
RecurrenceMonthlyPattern |
Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens on a specific day a specific number of
months after the previous one.
| |
RecurrenceMonthlyRegenerationPattern |
Represents a regeneration pattern, as used with recurring tasks, where each occurrence happens
a specified number of months after the previous one is completed.
| |
RecurrenceRelativeMonthlyPattern |
Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens on a relative day a specific number of months
after the previous one.
| |
RecurrenceRelativeYearlyPattern |
Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens on a relative day every year.
| |
RecurrenceWeeklyPattern |
Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens on specific days a specific number of weeks after the previous one.
| |
RecurrenceWeeklyRegenerationPattern |
Represents a regeneration pattern, as used with recurring tasks, where each occurrence happens a specified number of weeks after the previous one is completed.
| |
RecurrenceYearlyPattern |
Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens on a specific day every year.
| |
RecurrenceYearlyRegenerationPattern |
Represents a regeneration pattern, as used with recurring tasks, where each occurrence happens a specified number of years after the previous one is completed.
| |
RecurringAppointmentMasterId |
Represents the Id of an occurrence of a recurring appointment.
| |
ReferenceAttachment |
Represents an attachment by reference.
| |
ResponseMessage |
Represents the base class for e-mail related responses (Reply, Reply all and Forward).
| |
ResponseObjectTMessage |
Represents the base class for all responses that can be sent.
| |
RetentionPolicyTag |
Represents retention policy tag object.
| |
RetentionTagBase |
Represents the retention tag of an item.
| |
Rule |
Represents a rule that automatically handles incoming messages.
A rule consists of a set of conditions and exceptions that determine whether or
not a set of actions should be executed on incoming messages.
| |
RuleActions |
Represents the set of actions available for a rule.
| |
RuleCollection |
Represents a collection of rules.
| |
RuleError |
Represents an error that occurred as a result of executing a rule operation.
| |
RuleOperation |
Represents an operation to be performed on a rule.
| |
RuleOperationError |
Represents an error that occurred while processing a rule operation.
| |
RuleOperationErrorCollection |
Represents a collection of rule operation errors.
| |
RulePredicateDateRange |
Represents the date and time range within which messages have been received.
| |
RulePredicates |
Represents the set of conditions and exceptions available for a rule.
| |
RulePredicateSizeRange |
Represents the minimum and maximum size of a message.
| |
SearchableMailbox |
Represents searchable mailbox object
| |
SearchFilter |
Represents the base search filter class. Use descendant search filter classes such as SearchFilter.IsEqualTo,
SearchFilter.ContainsSubstring and SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection to define search filters.
| |
SearchFilterContainsSubstring |
Represents a search filter that checks for the presence of a substring inside a text property.
Applications can use ContainsSubstring to define conditions such as "Field CONTAINS Value" or "Field IS PREFIXED WITH Value".
| |
SearchFilterExcludesBitmask |
Represents a bitmask exclusion search filter. Applications can use ExcludesBitExcludesBitmaskFilter to define
conditions such as "(OrdinalField and 0x0010) != 0x0010"
| |
SearchFilterExists |
Represents a search filter checking if a field is set. Applications can use
ExistsFilter to define conditions such as "Field IS SET".
| |
SearchFilterIsEqualTo |
Represents a search filter that checks if a property is equal to a given value or other property.
| |
SearchFilterIsGreaterThan |
Represents a search filter that checks if a property is greater than a given value or other property.
| |
SearchFilterIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo |
Represents a search filter that checks if a property is greater than or equal to a given value or other property.
| |
SearchFilterIsLessThan |
Represents a search filter that checks if a property is less than a given value or other property.
| |
SearchFilterIsLessThanOrEqualTo |
Represents a search filter that checks if a property is less than or equal to a given value or other property.
| |
SearchFilterIsNotEqualTo |
Represents a search filter that checks if a property is not equal to a given value or other property.
| |
SearchFilterNot |
Represents a search filter that negates another. Applications can use NotFilter to define
conditions such as "NOT(other filter)".
| |
SearchFilterPropertyBasedFilter |
Represents a search filter where an item or folder property is involved.
| |
SearchFilterRelationalFilter |
Represents the base class for relational filters (for example, IsEqualTo, IsGreaterThan or IsLessThanOrEqualTo).
| |
SearchFilterSearchFilterCollection |
Represents a collection of search filters linked by a logical operator. Applications can
use SearchFilterCollection to define complex search filters such as "Condition1 AND Condition2".
| |
SearchFolder |
Represents a search folder.
| |
SearchFolderParameters |
Represents the parameters associated with a search folder.
| |
SearchFolderSchema |
Represents the schema for search folders.
| |
SearchMailboxesParameters |
Represents search mailbox parameters.
| |
SearchMailboxesResponse |
Represents the SearchMailboxes response.
| |
SearchMailboxesResult |
Represents search mailbox result.
| |
SearchPreviewItem |
Represents search preview item.
| |
SearchRefinerItem |
Search refiner item
| |
SeekToConditionItemView |
Represents the view settings in a folder search operation.
| |
ServerBusyException |
Represents a server busy exception found in a service response.
| |
ServiceId |
Represents the Id of an Exchange object.
| |
ServiceLocalException |
Represents an error that occurs when a service operation fails locally (e.g. validation error).
| |
ServiceObject |
Represents the base abstract class for all item and folder types.
| |
ServiceObjectPropertyDefinition |
Represents a property definition for a service object.
| |
ServiceObjectPropertyException |
Represents an error that occurs when an operation on a property fails.
| |
ServiceObjectSchema |
Represents the base class for all item and folder schemas.
| |
ServiceRemoteException |
Represents an error that occurs when a service operation fails remotely.
| |
ServiceRequestException |
Represents an error that occurs when a service operation request fails (e.g. connection error).
| |
ServiceResponse |
Represents the standard response to an Exchange Web Services operation.
| |
ServiceResponseCollectionTResponse |
Represents a strogly typed list of service responses.
| |
ServiceResponseException |
Represents a remote service exception that has a single response.
| |
ServiceValidationException |
Represents an error that occurs when a validation check fails.
| |
ServiceVersionException |
Represents an error that occurs when a request cannot be handled due to a service version mismatch.
| |
ServiceXmlDeserializationException |
Represents an error that occurs when the XML for a response cannot be deserialized.
| |
ServiceXmlSerializationException |
Represents an error that occurs when the XML for a request cannot be serialized.
| |
SetClientExtensionAction |
Represents the SetClientExtension method action.
| |
SetHoldOnMailboxesParameters |
Represents set hold on mailboxes parameters.
| |
SetHoldOnMailboxesResponse |
Represents the SetHoldOnMailboxes response.
| |
SetRuleOperation |
Represents an operation to update an existing rule.
| |
SetUserPhotoResults |
Represents the results of a GetUserPhoto operation.
| |
SingleValueInsightContent |
Represents the SingleValueInsightContent.
| |
SkillInsightValue |
Represents the SkillInsightValue.
| |
SkillInsightValueCollection |
Represents the collection of person insights.
| |
StreamingSubscription |
Represents a streaming subscription.
| |
StreamingSubscriptionConnection |
Represents a connection to an ongoing stream of events.
| |
StringInsightValue |
Represents the StringInsightValue.
| |
StringList |
Represents a list of strings.
| |
SubscriptionBase |
Represents the base class for event subscriptions.
| |
SubscriptionErrorEventArgs |
Provides data to a StreamingSubscriptionConnection's OnSubscriptionError and OnDisconnect events.
| |
Suggestion |
Represents a suggestion for a specific date.
| |
SyncFolderHierarchyResponse |
Represents the response to a folder synchronization operation.
| |
SyncFolderItemsResponse |
Represents the response to a folder items synchronization operation.
| |
SyncResponseTServiceObject, TChange |
Represents the base response class for synchronuization operations.
| |
Task |
Represents a Task item. Properties available on tasks are defined in the TaskSchema class.
| |
TaskSchema |
Represents the schema for task items.
| |
TasksFolder |
Represents a folder containing task items.
| |
TaskSuggestion |
Represents an TaskSuggestion object.
| |
TaskSuggestionCollection |
Represents a collection of TaskSuggestion objects.
| |
TextBody |
Represents the body of a message.
| |
TimeSuggestion |
Represents an availability time suggestion.
| |
TimeWindow |
Represents a time period.
| |
TimeZoneConversionException |
Represents an error that occurs when a date and time cannot be converted from one time zone
to another.
| |
TimeZoneDefinition |
Represents a time zone as defined by the EWS schema.
| |
TokenCredentials |
TokenCredentials provides credentials if you already have a token.
| |
UnifiedMessaging |
Represents the Unified Messaging functionalities.
| |
UniqueBody |
Represents the body part of an item that is unique to the conversation the item is part of.
| |
UpdateInboxRulesException |
Represents an exception thrown when an error occurs as a result of calling
the UpdateInboxRules operation.
| |
UpdateItemResponse |
Represents the response to an individual item update operation.
| |
UrlEntity |
Represents an UrlEntity object.
| |
UrlEntityCollection |
Represents a collection of UrlEntity objects.
| |
UserConfiguration |
Represents an object that can be used to store user-defined configuration settings.
| |
UserConfigurationDictionary |
Represents a user configuration's Dictionary property.
| |
UserId |
Represents the Id of a user.
| |
UserPhotoSize |
Defines the different user photo sizes that can be requested
| |
UserProfilePicture |
Represents the UserProfilePicture.
| |
ViewBase |
Represents the base view class for search operations.
| |
VotingInformation |
Represents voting information.
| |
VotingOptionData |
Represents voting option information.
| |
WebCredentials |
WebCredentials wraps an instance of ICredentials used for password-based authentication schemes such as basic, digest, NTLM, and Kerberos authentication.
| |
WorkingHours |
Represents the working hours for a specific time zone.
| |
WSSecurityBasedCredentials |
WSSecurityBasedCredentials is the base class for all credential classes using WS-Security.
| |
X509CertificateCredentials |
X509CertificateCredentials wraps an instance of X509Certificate2, it can be used for WS-Security/X509 certificate-based authentication.
Интерфейс | Описание | |
IFileAttachmentContentHandler |
Defines a file attachment content handler. Application can implement IFileAttachmentContentHandler
to provide a stream in which the content of file attachment should be written.
| |
IPeopleQueryResults |
Represents the results of an Persona search operation.
| |
ISearchStringProvider |
Interface defined for types that can produce a string representation for use in search filters.
| |
ITraceListener |
ITraceListener handles message tracing.
Делегат | Описание | |
CustomXmlSerializationDelegate |
Defines a delegate that is used to allow applications to emit custom XML when SOAP requests are sent to Exchange.
| |
ResponseHeadersCapturedHandler |
Delegate method to handle capturing http response headers.
| |
StreamingSubscriptionConnectionNotificationEventDelegate |
Represents a delegate that is invoked when notifications are received from the server
| |
StreamingSubscriptionConnectionSubscriptionErrorDelegate |
Represents a delegate that is invoked when an error occurs within a streaming subscription connection.
Перечисление | Описание | |
AffectedTaskOccurrence |
Indicates which occurrence of a recurring task should be deleted.
| |
AggregateType |
Defines the type of aggregation to perform.
| |
AppointmentType |
Defines the type of an appointment.
| |
AvailabilityData |
Defines the type of data that can be requested via GetUserAvailability.
| |
BasePropertySet |
Defines base property sets that are used as the base for custom property sets.
| |
BodyType |
Defines the type of body of an item.
| |
ChangeType |
Defines the type of change of a synchronization event.
| |
ClientAccessTokenType |
Defines the type of ClientAccessTokenType
| |
ClientExtensionProvidedTo |
Defines the type of ClientExtensionProvidedTo.
| |
ComparisonMode |
Defines the way values are compared in search filters.
| |
ConflictResolutionMode |
Defines how conflict resolutions are handled in update operations.
| |
ConflictType |
Defines the conflict types that can be returned in meeting time suggestions.
| |
ConnectingIdType |
Defines the type of Id of a ConnectingId object.
| |
ConnectionFailureCause |
The ConnectionFailureCause enumeration
| |
ContactSource |
Defines the source of a contact or group.
| |
ContainmentMode |
Defines the containment mode for Contains search filters.
| |
ConversationFlagStatus |
Defines the flag status of a Conversation.
| |
ConversationQueryTraversal |
Defines the folder traversal depth in queries.
| |
ConversationSortOrder |
Defines the order in which conversation nodes should be returned by GetConversationItems.
| |
DateTimePrecision |
Defines the precision for returned DateTime values
| |
DayOfTheWeek |
Specifies the day of the week.
| |
DayOfTheWeekIndex |
Defines the index of a week day within a month.
| |
DefaultExtendedPropertySet |
Defines the default sets of extended properties.
| |
DelegateFolderPermissionLevel |
Defines a delegate user's permission level on a specific folder.
| |
DeleteMode |
Represents deletion modes.
| |
DisableReasonType |
Disable reason type
| |
EffectiveRights |
Defines the effective user rights associated with an item or folder.
| |
ElcFolderType |
Defines the folder type of a retention policy tag.
| |
EmailAddressKey |
Defines e-mail address entries for a contact.
| |
EmailPosition |
Defines the email position of an extracted entity.
| |
EventType |
Defines the types of event that can occur in a folder.
| |
ExchangeVersion |
Defines the each available Exchange release version
| |
ExtensionInstallScope |
Defines the type of ExtensionInstallScope.
| |
ExtensionType |
Defines the type of ExtensionType.
| |
FileAsMapping |
Defines the way the FileAs property of a contact is automatically formatted.
| |
FlaggedForAction |
Defines the follow-up actions that may be stamped on a message.
| |
FolderPermissionLevel |
Defines permission levels for calendar folders.
| |
FolderPermissionReadAccess |
Defines a user's read access permission on items in a non-calendar folder.
| |
FolderTraversal |
Defines the scope of FindFolders operations.
| |
FreeBusyViewType |
Defines the type of free/busy information returned by a GetUserAvailability operation.
| |
GetUserPhotoStatus |
Defines the response types from a GetUserPhoto request
| |
HoldAction |
Defines the hold action.
| |
HoldStatus |
Defines the hold status.
| |
IconIndex |
The values indicate the types of item icons to display.
| |
IdFormat |
Defines supported Id formats in ConvertId operations.
| |
ImAddressKey |
Defines Instant Messaging address entries for a contact.
| |
Importance |
Defines the importance of an item.
| |
ItemFlagStatus |
Defines the flag status of an Item.
| |
ItemIndexError |
Item index error
| |
ItemTraversal |
Defines the scope of FindItems operations.
| |
LegacyFreeBusyStatus |
Defines the legacy free/busy status associated with an appointment.
| |
LobbyBypass |
Online Meeting Lobby Bypass options.
| |
LocationSource |
Source of resolution.
| |
LogicalOperator |
Defines a logical operator as used by search filter collections.
| |
MailboxSearchLocation |
Defines the location for mailbox search.
| |
MailboxType |
Defines the type of an EmailAddress object.
| |
MapiPropertyType |
Defines the MAPI type of an extended property.
| |
MeetingAttendeeType |
Defines the type of a meeting attendee.
| |
MeetingRequestsDeliveryScope |
Defines how meeting requests are sent to delegates.
| |
MeetingRequestType |
Defines the type of a meeting request.
| |
MeetingResponseType |
Defines the types of response given to a meeting request.
| |
MemberStatus |
Defines the status of group members.
| |
MessageDisposition |
Defines how messages are disposed of in CreateItem and UpdateItem operations.
| |
Month |
Defines months of the year.
| |
OffsetBasePoint |
Defines the offset's base point in a paged view.
| |
OnlineMeetingAccessLevel |
Online Meeting Access Level options.
| |
OofExternalAudience |
Defines the external audience of an Out of Office notification.
| |
OofState |
Defines a user's Out of Office Assistant status.
| |
PermissionScope |
Defines the scope of a user's permission on a folders.
| |
PhoneCallState |
The PhoneCallState enumeration
| |
PhoneNumberKey |
Defines phone number entries for a contact.
| |
PhysicalAddressIndex |
Defines a physical address index.
| |
PhysicalAddressKey |
Defines physical address entries for a contact.
| |
Presenters |
Online Meeting Presenters options.
| |
PreviewItemBaseShape |
Preview item base shape
| |
ResolveNameSearchLocation |
Defines the location where a ResolveName operation searches for contacts.
| |
ResponseActions |
Defines the response actions that can be taken on an item.
| |
ResponseMessageType |
Defines the type of a ResponseMessage object.
| |
RetentionActionType |
Defines the action of a retention policy tag.
| |
RetentionType |
Defines the retention type.
| |
RuleErrorCode |
Defines the error codes identifying why a rule failed validation.
| |
RuleProperty |
Defines the available properties of a rule.
| |
SearchFolderTraversal |
Defines the scope of a search folder.
| |
SearchPageDirection |
Defines the page direction for mailbox search.
| |
SearchResultType |
Defines the type of search result.
| |
SendCancellationsMode |
Defines how meeting cancellations should be sent to attendees when an appointment is deleted.
| |
SendInvitationsMode |
Defines if/how meeting invitations are sent.
| |
SendInvitationsOrCancellationsMode |
Defines if/how meeting invitations or cancellations should be sent to attendees when an appointment is updated.
| |
SendPrompt |
The values indicate the types of item icons to display.
| |
Sensitivity |
Defines the sensitivity of an item.
| |
ServiceError |
Defines the error codes that can be returned by the Exchange Web Services.
| |
ServiceObjectType |
Defines the type of a service object.
| |
ServiceResult |
Defines the result of a call to an EWS method. Values in this enumeration have to
be ordered from lowest to highest severity.
| |
SetClientExtensionActionId |
Defines the type of SetClientExtensionActionId.
| |
SortDirection |
Defines a sort direction
| |
StandardUser |
Defines a standard delegate user.
| |
SuggestionQuality |
Defines the quality of an availability suggestion.
| |
SyncFolderItemsScope |
Determines items to be included in a SyncFolderItems response.
| |
TaskDelegationState |
Defines the delegation state of a task.
| |
TaskMode |
Defines the modes of a Task.
| |
TaskStatus |
Defines the execution status of a task.
| |
TeamMailboxLifecycleState |
TeamMailbox lifecycle state
| |
TraceFlags |
Defines flags to control tracing details.
| |
UserConfigurationDictionaryObjectType |
Identifies the user configuration dictionary key and value types.
| |
UserConfigurationProperties |
Identifies the user configuration properties to retrieve.
| |
ViewFilter |
Defines the view filter for queries.
| |
WellKnownFolderName |
Defines well known folder names.