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ResponseActions - перечисление

Defines the response actions that can be taken on an item.

Пространство имён:  Tessa.Exchange.WebServices.Data
Сборка:  Tessa.Server (в Tessa.Server.dll) Версия:
public enum ResponseActions
  Имя членаЗначениеОписание
None0 No action can be taken.
Accept1 The item can be accepted.
TentativelyAccept2 The item can be tentatively accepted.
Decline4 The item can be declined.
Reply8 The item can be replied to.
ReplyAll16 The item can be replied to.
Forward32 The item can be forwarded.
Cancel64 The item can be cancelled.
RemoveFromCalendar128 The item can be removed from the calendar.
SuppressReadReceipt256 The item's read receipt can be suppressed.
PostReply512 A reply to the item can be posted.
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