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ServiceError - перечисление

Defines the error codes that can be returned by the Exchange Web Services.

Пространство имён:  Tessa.Exchange.WebServices.Data
Сборка:  Tessa.Server (в Tessa.Server.dll) Версия:
public enum ServiceError
  Имя членаЗначениеОписание
NoError0 NoError. Indicates that an error has not occurred.
ErrorAccessDenied1 Access is denied. Check credentials and try again.
ErrorAccessModeSpecified2 The impersonation authentication header should not be included.
ErrorAccountDisabled3 Account is disabled. Contact the account administrator.
ErrorAddDelegatesFailed4 Failed to add one or more delegates.
ErrorAddressSpaceNotFound5 ErrorAddressSpaceNotFound
ErrorADOperation6 Active Directory operation did not succeed. Try again later.
ErrorADSessionFilter7 Invalid search criteria.
ErrorADUnavailable8 Active Directory is unavailable. Try again later.
ErrorAffectedTaskOccurrencesRequired9 AffectedTaskOccurrences attribute is required for Task items.
ErrorApplyConversationActionFailed10 The conversation action alwayscategorize or alwaysmove or alwaysdelete has failed.
ErrorArchiveMailboxNotEnabled11 Archive mailbox not enabled
ErrorArchiveFolderPathCreation12 Unable to create the folder in archive mailbox to which the items will be archived
ErrorArchiveMailboxServiceDiscoveryFailed13 Unable to discover archive mailbox
ErrorAttachmentNestLevelLimitExceeded14 The item has attachment at more than the maximum supported nest level.
ErrorAttachmentSizeLimitExceeded15 The file attachment exceeds the maximum supported size.
ErrorAutoDiscoverFailed16 ErrorAutoDiscoverFailed
ErrorAvailabilityConfigNotFound17 ErrorAvailabilityConfigNotFound
ErrorBatchProcessingStopped18 Item was not processed as a result of a previous error.
ErrorCalendarCannotMoveOrCopyOccurrence19 Can not move or copy a calendar occurrence.
ErrorCalendarCannotUpdateDeletedItem20 Cannot update calendar item that has already been deleted.
ErrorCalendarCannotUseIdForOccurrenceId21 The Id specified does not represent an occurrence.
ErrorCalendarCannotUseIdForRecurringMasterId22 The specified Id does not represent a recurring master item.
ErrorCalendarDurationIsTooLong23 Calendar item duration is too long.
ErrorCalendarEndDateIsEarlierThanStartDate24 EndDate is earlier than StartDate
ErrorCalendarFolderIsInvalidForCalendarView25 Cannot request CalendarView for the folder.
ErrorCalendarInvalidAttributeValue26 Attribute has an invalid value.
ErrorCalendarInvalidDayForTimeChangePattern27 The value of the DaysOfWeek property is not valid for time change pattern of time zone.
ErrorCalendarInvalidDayForWeeklyRecurrence28 The value of the DaysOfWeek property is invalid for a weekly recurrence.
ErrorCalendarInvalidPropertyState29 The property has invalid state.
ErrorCalendarInvalidPropertyValue30 The property has an invalid value.
ErrorCalendarInvalidRecurrence31 The recurrence is invalid.
ErrorCalendarInvalidTimeZone32 TimeZone is invalid.
ErrorCalendarIsCancelledForAccept33 A meeting that's been canceled can't be accepted.
ErrorCalendarIsCancelledForDecline34 A canceled meeting can't be declined.
ErrorCalendarIsCancelledForRemove35 A canceled meeting can't be removed.
ErrorCalendarIsCancelledForTentative36 A canceled meeting can't be accepted tentatively.
ErrorCalendarIsDelegatedForAccept37 AcceptItem action is invalid for a delegated meeting message.
ErrorCalendarIsDelegatedForDecline38 DeclineItem operation is invalid for a delegated meeting message.
ErrorCalendarIsDelegatedForRemove39 RemoveItem action is invalid for a delegated meeting message.
ErrorCalendarIsDelegatedForTentative40 The TentativelyAcceptItem action isn't valid for a delegated meeting message.
ErrorCalendarIsNotOrganizer41 User must be an organizer for CancelCalendarItem action.
ErrorCalendarIsOrganizerForAccept42 The user is the organizer of this meeting, and cannot, therefore, accept it.
ErrorCalendarIsOrganizerForDecline43 The user is the organizer of this meeting, and cannot, therefore, decline it.
ErrorCalendarIsOrganizerForRemove44 The user is the organizer of this meeting, and cannot, therefore, remove it.
ErrorCalendarIsOrganizerForTentative45 The user is the organizer of this meeting, and therefore can't tentatively accept it.
ErrorCalendarMeetingRequestIsOutOfDate46 The meeting request is out of date. The calendar couldn't be updated.
ErrorCalendarOccurrenceIndexIsOutOfRecurrenceRange47 Occurrence index is out of recurrence range.
ErrorCalendarOccurrenceIsDeletedFromRecurrence48 Occurrence with this index was previously deleted from the recurrence.
ErrorCalendarOutOfRange49 The calendar property falls out of valid range.
ErrorCalendarViewRangeTooBig50 The specified view range exceeds the maximum range of two years.
ErrorCallerIsInvalidADAccount51 Failed to get valid Active Directory information for the calling account. Confirm that it is a valid Active Directory account.
ErrorCannotArchiveCalendarContactTaskFolderException52 Cannot archive items in Calendar, contact to task folders
ErrorCannotArchiveItemsInArchiveMailbox53 Cannot archive items in archive mailboxes
ErrorCannotArchiveItemsInPublicFolders54 Cannot archive items in public folders
ErrorCannotCreateCalendarItemInNonCalendarFolder55 Cannot create a calendar item in a non-calendar folder.
ErrorCannotCreateContactInNonContactFolder56 Cannot create a contact in a non-contact folder.
ErrorCannotCreatePostItemInNonMailFolder57 Cannot create a post item in a folder that is not a mail folder.
ErrorCannotCreateTaskInNonTaskFolder58 Cannot create a task in a non-task Folder.
ErrorCannotDeleteObject59 Object cannot be deleted.
ErrorCannotDeleteTaskOccurrence60 Deleting a task occurrence is not permitted on non-recurring tasks, on the last occurrence of a recurring task or on a regenerating task.
ErrorCannotDisableMandatoryExtension61 Mandatory extensions cannot be disabled by end users
ErrorCannotEmptyFolder62 Folder cannot be emptied.
ErrorCannotGetExternalEcpUrl63 Cannot get external ECP URL. This might happen if external ECP URL isn't configured
ErrorCannotGetSourceFolderPath64 Unable to read the folder path for the source folder while archiving items
ErrorCannotOpenFileAttachment65 The attachment could not be opened.
ErrorCannotSetCalendarPermissionOnNonCalendarFolder66 Expected a PermissionSet but received a CalendarPermissionSet.
ErrorCannotSetNonCalendarPermissionOnCalendarFolder67 Expected a CalendarPermissionSet but received a PermissionSet.
ErrorCannotSetPermissionUnknownEntries68 Cannot set UnknownEntries on a PermissionSet or CalendarPermissionSet.
ErrorCannotSpecifySearchFolderAsSourceFolder69 Cannot specify search folders as source folders while archiving items
ErrorCannotUseFolderIdForItemId70 Expected an item Id but received a folder Id.
ErrorCannotUseItemIdForFolderId71 Expected a folder Id but received an item Id.
ErrorChangeKeyRequired72 ChangeKey is required if overriding automatic conflict resolution.
ErrorChangeKeyRequiredForWriteOperations73 ChangeKey is required for this operation.
ErrorClientDisconnected74 ErrorClientDisconnected
ErrorConnectionFailed75 Connection did not succeed. Try again later.
ErrorContainsFilterWrongType76 The Contains filter can only be used for string properties.
ErrorContentConversionFailed77 Content conversion failed.
ErrorCorruptData78 Data is corrupt.
ErrorCreateItemAccessDenied79 Unable to create item. The user account does not have the right to create items.
ErrorCreateManagedFolderPartialCompletion80 Failed to create one or more of the specified managed folders.
ErrorCreateSubfolderAccessDenied81 Unable to create subfolder. The user account does not have the right to create subfolders.
ErrorCrossMailboxMoveCopy82 Move and Copy operations across mailbox boundaries are not permitted.
ErrorCrossSiteRequest83 This request isn't allowed because the Client Access server that's servicing the request is in a different site than the requested resource. Use Autodiscover to find the correct URL for accessing the specified resource.
ErrorDataSizeLimitExceeded84 Property exceeds the maximum supported size.
ErrorDataSourceOperation85 Invalid data source operation.
ErrorDelegateAlreadyExists86 The user is already a delegate for the mailbox.
ErrorDelegateCannotAddOwner87 This is an invalid operation. Cannot add owner as delegate.
ErrorDelegateMissingConfiguration88 Delegate is not configured properly.
ErrorDelegateNoUser89 The delegate does not map to a user in the Active Directory.
ErrorDelegateValidationFailed90 Cannot add the delegate user. Failed to validate the changes.
ErrorDeleteDistinguishedFolder91 Distinguished folders cannot be deleted.
ErrorDeleteItemsFailed92 The deletion failed.
ErrorDistinguishedUserNotSupported93 DistinguishedUser should not be specified for a Delegate User.
ErrorDistributionListMemberNotExist94 The group member doesn't exist.
ErrorDuplicateInputFolderNames95 The specified list of managed folder names contains duplicate entries.
ErrorDuplicateLegacyDistinguishedName96 A duplicate exchange legacy DN.
ErrorDuplicateSOAPHeader97 A duplicate SOAP header was received.
ErrorDuplicateUserIdsSpecified98 The specified permission set contains duplicate UserIds.
ErrorEmailAddressMismatch99 The email address associated with a folder Id does not match the mailbox you are operating on.
ErrorEventNotFound100 The watermark used for creating this subscription was not found.
ErrorExceededConnectionCount101 You have exceeded the available concurrent connections for your account. Try again once your other requests have completed.
ErrorExceededFindCountLimit102 You have exceeded the maximum number of objects that can be returned for the find operation. Use paging to reduce the result size and try your request again.
ErrorExceededSubscriptionCount103 You have exceeded the available subscriptions for your account. Remove unnecessary subscriptions and try your request again.
ErrorExpiredSubscription104 Subscription information is not available. Subscription is expired.
ErrorExtensionNotFound105 Extension with id specified was not found
ErrorFolderCorrupt106 The folder is corrupt.
ErrorFolderExists107 A folder with the specified name already exists.
ErrorFolderNotFound108 The specified folder could not be found in the store.
ErrorFolderPropertRequestFailed109 ErrorFolderPropertRequestFailed
ErrorFolderSave110 The folder save operation did not succeed.
ErrorFolderSaveFailed111 The save operation failed or partially succeeded.
ErrorFolderSavePropertyError112 The folder save operation failed due to invalid property values.
ErrorFreeBusyDLLimitReached113 ErrorFreeBusyDLLimitReached
ErrorFreeBusyGenerationFailed114 ErrorFreeBusyGenerationFailed
ErrorGetServerSecurityDescriptorFailed115 ErrorGetServerSecurityDescriptorFailed
ErrorImContactLimitReached116 ErrorImContactLimitReached
ErrorImGroupDisplayNameAlreadyExists117 ErrorImGroupDisplayNameAlreadyExists
ErrorImGroupLimitReached118 ErrorImGroupLimitReached
ErrorImpersonateUserDenied119 The account does not have permission to impersonate the requested user.
ErrorImpersonationDenied120 ErrorImpersonationDenied
ErrorImpersonationFailed121 Impersonation failed.
ErrorInboxRulesValidationError122 ErrorInboxRulesValidationError
ErrorIncorrectSchemaVersion123 The request is valid but does not specify the correct server version in the RequestServerVersion SOAP header. Ensure that the RequestServerVersion SOAP header is set with the correct RequestServerVersionValue.
ErrorIncorrectUpdatePropertyCount124 An object within a change description must contain one and only one property to modify.
ErrorIndividualMailboxLimitReached125 ErrorIndividualMailboxLimitReached
ErrorInsufficientResources126 Resources are unavailable. Try again later.
ErrorInternalServerError127 An internal server error occurred. The operation failed.
ErrorInternalServerTransientError128 An internal server error occurred. Try again later.
ErrorInvalidAccessLevel129 ErrorInvalidAccessLevel
ErrorInvalidArgument130 ErrorInvalidArgument
ErrorInvalidAttachmentId131 The specified attachment Id is invalid.
ErrorInvalidAttachmentSubfilter132 Attachment subfilters must have a single TextFilter therein.
ErrorInvalidAttachmentSubfilterTextFilter133 Attachment subfilters must have a single TextFilter on the display name only.
ErrorInvalidAuthorizationContext134 ErrorInvalidAuthorizationContext
ErrorInvalidChangeKey135 The change key is invalid.
ErrorInvalidClientSecurityContext136 ErrorInvalidClientSecurityContext
ErrorInvalidCompleteDate137 CompleteDate cannot be set to a date in the future.
ErrorInvalidContactEmailAddress138 The e-mail address that was supplied isn't valid.
ErrorInvalidContactEmailIndex139 The e-mail index supplied isn't valid.
ErrorInvalidCrossForestCredentials140 ErrorInvalidCrossForestCredentials
ErrorInvalidDelegatePermission141 Invalid Delegate Folder Permission.
ErrorInvalidDelegateUserId142 One or more UserId parameters are invalid. Make sure that the PrimarySmtpAddress, Sid and DisplayName properties refer to the same user when specified.
ErrorInvalidExchangeImpersonationHeaderData143 An ExchangeImpersonation SOAP header must contain a user principal name, user SID, or primary SMTP address.
ErrorInvalidExcludesRestriction144 Second operand in Excludes expression must be uint compatible.
ErrorInvalidExpressionTypeForSubFilter145 FieldURI can only be used in Contains expressions.
ErrorInvalidExtendedProperty146 The extended property attribute combination is invalid.
ErrorInvalidExtendedPropertyValue147 The extended property value is inconsistent with its type.
ErrorInvalidExternalSharingInitiator148 The original sender of the message (initiator field in the sharing metadata) is not valid.
ErrorInvalidExternalSharingSubscriber149 The sharing message is not intended for this caller.
ErrorInvalidFederatedOrganizationId150 The organization is either not federated, or it's configured incorrectly.
ErrorInvalidFolderId151 Folder Id is invalid.
ErrorInvalidFolderTypeForOperation152 ErrorInvalidFolderTypeForOperation
ErrorInvalidFractionalPagingParameters153 Invalid fractional paging offset values.
ErrorInvalidFreeBusyViewType154 ErrorInvalidFreeBusyViewType
ErrorInvalidGetSharingFolderRequest155 Either DataType or SharedFolderId must be specified, but not both.
ErrorInvalidId156 The Id is invalid.
ErrorInvalidImContactId157 The Im Contact id was invalid.
ErrorInvalidImDistributionGroupSmtpAddress158 The Im Distribution Group Smtp Address was invalid.
ErrorInvalidImGroupId159 The Im Contact id was invalid.
ErrorInvalidIdEmpty160 Id must be non-empty.
ErrorInvalidIdMalformed161 Id is malformed.
ErrorInvalidIdMalformedEwsLegacyIdFormat162 The EWS Id is in EwsLegacyId format which is not supported by the Exchange version specified by your request. Please use the ConvertId method to convert from EwsLegacyId to EwsId format.
ErrorInvalidIdMonikerTooLong163 Moniker exceeded allowable length.
ErrorInvalidIdNotAnItemAttachmentId164 The Id does not represent an item attachment.
ErrorInvalidIdReturnedByResolveNames165 ResolveNames returned an invalid Id.
ErrorInvalidIdStoreObjectIdTooLong166 Id exceeded allowable length.
ErrorInvalidIdTooManyAttachmentLevels167 Too many attachment levels.
ErrorInvalidIdXml168 The Id Xml is invalid.
ErrorInvalidIndexedPagingParameters169 The specified indexed paging values are invalid.
ErrorInvalidInternetHeaderChildNodes170 Only one child node is allowed when setting an Internet Message Header.
ErrorInvalidItemForOperationAcceptItem171 Item type is invalid for AcceptItem action.
ErrorInvalidItemForOperationArchiveItem172 Item type is invalid for ArchiveItem action.
ErrorInvalidItemForOperationCancelItem173 Item type is invalid for CancelCalendarItem action.
ErrorInvalidItemForOperationCreateItem174 Item type is invalid for CreateItem operation.
ErrorInvalidItemForOperationCreateItemAttachment175 Item type is invalid for CreateItemAttachment operation.
ErrorInvalidItemForOperationDeclineItem176 Item type is invalid for DeclineItem operation.
ErrorInvalidItemForOperationExpandDL177 ExpandDL operation does not support this item type.
ErrorInvalidItemForOperationRemoveItem178 Item type is invalid for RemoveItem operation.
ErrorInvalidItemForOperationSendItem179 Item type is invalid for SendItem operation.
ErrorInvalidItemForOperationTentative180 The item of this type is invalid for TentativelyAcceptItem action.
ErrorInvalidLogonType181 The logon type isn't valid.
ErrorInvalidMailbox182 Mailbox is invalid. Verify the specified Mailbox property.
ErrorInvalidManagedFolderProperty183 The Managed Folder property is corrupt or otherwise invalid.
ErrorInvalidManagedFolderQuota184 The managed folder has an invalid quota.
ErrorInvalidManagedFolderSize185 The managed folder has an invalid storage limit value.
ErrorInvalidMergedFreeBusyInterval186 ErrorInvalidMergedFreeBusyInterval
ErrorInvalidNameForNameResolution187 The specified value is not a valid name for name resolution.
ErrorInvalidNetworkServiceContext188 ErrorInvalidNetworkServiceContext
ErrorInvalidOofParameter189 ErrorInvalidOofParameter
ErrorInvalidOperation190 ErrorInvalidOperation
ErrorInvalidOrganizationRelationshipForFreeBusy191 ErrorInvalidOrganizationRelationshipForFreeBusy
ErrorInvalidPagingMaxRows192 MaxEntriesReturned must be greater than zero.
ErrorInvalidParentFolder193 Cannot create a subfolder within a SearchFolder.
ErrorInvalidPercentCompleteValue194 PercentComplete must be an integer between 0 and 100.
ErrorInvalidPermissionSettings195 The permission settings were not valid.
ErrorInvalidPhoneCallId196 The phone call ID isn't valid.
ErrorInvalidPhoneNumber197 The phone number isn't valid.
ErrorInvalidPropertyAppend198 The append action is not supported for this property.
ErrorInvalidPropertyDelete199 The delete action is not supported for this property.
ErrorInvalidPropertyForExists200 Property cannot be used in Exists expression. Use IsEqualTo instead.
ErrorInvalidPropertyForOperation201 Property is not valid for this operation.
ErrorInvalidPropertyRequest202 Property is not valid for this object type.
ErrorInvalidPropertySet203 Set action is invalid for property.
ErrorInvalidPropertyUpdateSentMessage204 Update operation is invalid for property of a sent message.
ErrorInvalidProxySecurityContext205 The proxy security context is invalid.
ErrorInvalidPullSubscriptionId206 SubscriptionId is invalid. Subscription is not a pull subscription.
ErrorInvalidPushSubscriptionUrl207 URL specified for push subscription is invalid.
ErrorInvalidRecipients208 One or more recipients are invalid.
ErrorInvalidRecipientSubfilter209 Recipient subfilters are only supported when there are two expressions within a single AND filter.
ErrorInvalidRecipientSubfilterComparison210 Recipient subfilter must have a comparison filter that tests equality to recipient type or attendee type.
ErrorInvalidRecipientSubfilterOrder211 Recipient subfilters must have a text filter and a comparison filter in that order.
ErrorInvalidRecipientSubfilterTextFilter212 Recipient subfilter must have a TextFilter on the SMTP address only.
ErrorInvalidReferenceItem213 The reference item does not support the requested operation.
ErrorInvalidRequest214 The request is invalid.
ErrorInvalidRestriction215 The restriction is invalid.
ErrorInvalidRetentionTagTypeMismatch216 ErrorInvalidRetentionIdTagTypeMismatch.
ErrorInvalidRetentionTagInvisible217 ErrorInvalidRetentionTagInvisible.
ErrorInvalidRetentionTagInheritance218 ErrorInvalidRetentionTagInheritance.
ErrorInvalidRetentionTagIdGuid219 ErrorInvalidRetentionTagIdGuid.
ErrorInvalidRoutingType220 The routing type format is invalid.
ErrorInvalidScheduledOofDuration221 ErrorInvalidScheduledOofDuration
ErrorInvalidSchemaVersionForMailboxVersion222 The mailbox that was requested doesn't support the specified RequestServerVersion.
ErrorInvalidSecurityDescriptor223 ErrorInvalidSecurityDescriptor
ErrorInvalidSendItemSaveSettings224 Invalid combination of SaveItemToFolder attribute and SavedItemFolderId element.
ErrorInvalidSerializedAccessToken225 Invalid serialized access token.
ErrorInvalidServerVersion226 The specified server version is invalid.
ErrorInvalidSharingData227 The sharing message metadata is not valid.
ErrorInvalidSharingMessage228 The sharing message is not valid.
ErrorInvalidSid229 A SID with an invalid format was encountered.
ErrorInvalidSIPUri230 The SIP address isn't valid.
ErrorInvalidSmtpAddress231 The SMTP address format is invalid.
ErrorInvalidSubfilterType232 Invalid subFilterType.
ErrorInvalidSubfilterTypeNotAttendeeType233 SubFilterType is not attendee type.
ErrorInvalidSubfilterTypeNotRecipientType234 SubFilterType is not recipient type.
ErrorInvalidSubscription235 Subscription is invalid.
ErrorInvalidSubscriptionRequest236 A subscription can only be established on a single public folder or on folders from a single mailbox.
ErrorInvalidSyncStateData237 Synchronization state data is corrupt or otherwise invalid.
ErrorInvalidTimeInterval238 ErrorInvalidTimeInterval
ErrorInvalidUserInfo239 A UserId was not valid.
ErrorInvalidUserOofSettings240 ErrorInvalidUserOofSettings
ErrorInvalidUserPrincipalName241 The impersonation principal name is invalid.
ErrorInvalidUserSid242 The user SID is invalid or does not map to a user in the Active Directory.
ErrorInvalidUserSidMissingUPN243 ErrorInvalidUserSidMissingUPN
ErrorInvalidValueForProperty244 The specified value is invalid for property.
ErrorInvalidWatermark245 The watermark is invalid.
ErrorIPGatewayNotFound246 A valid IP gateway couldn't be found.
ErrorIrresolvableConflict247 The send or update operation could not be performed because the change key passed in the request does not match the current change key for the item.
ErrorItemCorrupt248 The item is corrupt.
ErrorItemNotFound249 The specified object was not found in the store.
ErrorItemPropertyRequestFailed250 One or more of the properties requested for this item could not be retrieved.
ErrorItemSave251 The item save operation did not succeed.
ErrorItemSavePropertyError252 Item save operation did not succeed.
ErrorLegacyMailboxFreeBusyViewTypeNotMerged253 ErrorLegacyMailboxFreeBusyViewTypeNotMerged
ErrorLocalServerObjectNotFound254 ErrorLocalServerObjectNotFound
ErrorLogonAsNetworkServiceFailed255 ErrorLogonAsNetworkServiceFailed
ErrorMailboxConfiguration256 Unable to access an account or mailbox.
ErrorMailboxDataArrayEmpty257 ErrorMailboxDataArrayEmpty
ErrorMailboxDataArrayTooBig258 ErrorMailboxDataArrayTooBig
ErrorMailboxFailover259 ErrorMailboxFailover
ErrorMailboxHoldNotFound260 The specific mailbox hold is not found.
ErrorMailboxLogonFailed261 ErrorMailboxLogonFailed
ErrorMailboxMoveInProgress262 Mailbox move in progress. Try again later.
ErrorMailboxStoreUnavailable263 The mailbox database is temporarily unavailable.
ErrorMailRecipientNotFound264 ErrorMailRecipientNotFound
ErrorMailTipsDisabled265 MailTips aren't available for your organization.
ErrorManagedFolderAlreadyExists266 The specified Managed Folder already exists in the mailbox.
ErrorManagedFolderNotFound267 Unable to find the specified managed folder in the Active Directory.
ErrorManagedFoldersRootFailure268 Failed to create or bind to the folder: Managed Folders
ErrorMeetingSuggestionGenerationFailed269 ErrorMeetingSuggestionGenerationFailed
ErrorMessageDispositionRequired270 MessageDisposition attribute is required.
ErrorMessageSizeExceeded271 The message exceeds the maximum supported size.
ErrorMessageTrackingNoSuchDomain272 The domain specified in the tracking request doesn't exist.
ErrorMessageTrackingPermanentError273 The log search service can't track this message.
ErrorMessageTrackingTransientError274 The log search service isn't currently available. Please try again later.
ErrorMimeContentConversionFailed275 MIME content conversion failed.
ErrorMimeContentInvalid276 Invalid MIME content.
ErrorMimeContentInvalidBase64String277 Invalid base64 string for MIME content.
ErrorMissedNotificationEvents278 The subscription has missed events, but will continue service on this connection.
ErrorMissingArgument279 ErrorMissingArgument
ErrorMissingEmailAddress280 When making a request as an account that does not have a mailbox, you must specify the mailbox primary SMTP address for any distinguished folder Ids.
ErrorMissingEmailAddressForManagedFolder281 When making a request with an account that does not have a mailbox, you must specify the primary SMTP address for an existing mailbox.
ErrorMissingInformationEmailAddress282 EmailAddress or ItemId must be included in the request.
ErrorMissingInformationReferenceItemId283 ReferenceItemId must be included in the request.
ErrorMissingInformationSharingFolderId284 SharingFolderId must be included in the request.
ErrorMissingItemForCreateItemAttachment285 An item must be specified when creating an item attachment.
ErrorMissingManagedFolderId286 The managed folder Id is missing.
ErrorMissingRecipients287 A message needs to have at least one recipient.
ErrorMissingUserIdInformation288 Missing information for delegate user. You must either specify a valid SMTP address or SID.
ErrorMoreThanOneAccessModeSpecified289 Only one access mode header may be specified.
ErrorMoveCopyFailed290 The move or copy operation failed.
ErrorMoveDistinguishedFolder291 Cannot move distinguished folder.
ErrorMultiLegacyMailboxAccess292 ErrorMultiLegacyMailboxAccess
ErrorNameResolutionMultipleResults293 Multiple results were found.
ErrorNameResolutionNoMailbox294 User must have a mailbox for name resolution operations.
ErrorNameResolutionNoResults295 No results were found.
ErrorNewEventStreamConnectionOpened296 Another connection was opened against this subscription.
ErrorNoApplicableProxyCASServersAvailable297 Exchange Web Services are not currently available for this request because there are no available Client Access Services Servers in the target AD Site.
ErrorNoCalendar298 ErrorNoCalendar
ErrorNoDestinationCASDueToKerberosRequirements299 Exchange Web Services aren't available for this request because there is no Client Access server with the necessary configuration in the Active Directory site where the mailbox is stored. If the problem continues, click Help.
ErrorNoDestinationCASDueToSSLRequirements300 Exchange Web Services aren't currently available for this request because an SSL connection couldn't be established to the Client Access server that should be used for mailbox access. If the problem continues, click Help.
ErrorNoDestinationCASDueToVersionMismatch301 Exchange Web Services aren't currently available for this request because the Client Access server used for proxying has an older version of Exchange installed than the Client Access server in the mailbox Active Directory site.
ErrorNoFolderClassOverride302 You cannot specify the FolderClass when creating a non-generic folder.
ErrorNoFreeBusyAccess303 ErrorNoFreeBusyAccess
ErrorNonExistentMailbox304 Mailbox does not exist.
ErrorNonPrimarySmtpAddress305 The primary SMTP address must be specified when referencing a mailbox.
ErrorNoPropertyTagForCustomProperties306 Custom properties cannot be specified using property tags. The GUID and Id/Name combination must be used instead.
ErrorNoPublicFolderReplicaAvailable307 ErrorNoPublicFolderReplicaAvailable
ErrorNoPublicFolderServerAvailable308 There are no public folder servers available.
ErrorNoRespondingCASInDestinationSite309 Exchange Web Services are not currently available for this request because none of the Client Access Servers in the destination site could process the request.
ErrorNotAllowedExternalSharingByPolicy310 Policy does not allow granting of permissions to external users.
ErrorNotDelegate311 The user is not a delegate for the mailbox.
ErrorNotEnoughMemory312 There was not enough memory to complete the request.
ErrorNotSupportedSharingMessage313 The sharing message is not supported.
ErrorObjectTypeChanged314 Operation would change object type, which is not permitted.
ErrorOccurrenceCrossingBoundary315 Modified occurrence is crossing or overlapping adjacent occurrence.
ErrorOccurrenceTimeSpanTooBig316 One occurrence of the recurring calendar item overlaps with another occurrence of the same calendar item.
ErrorOperationNotAllowedWithPublicFolderRoot317 Operation not allowed with public folder root.
ErrorOrganizationNotFederated318 Organization is not federated.
ErrorOutlookRuleBlobExists319 ErrorOutlookRuleBlobExists
ErrorParentFolderIdRequired320 You must specify the parent folder Id for this operation.
ErrorParentFolderNotFound321 The specified parent folder could not be found.
ErrorPasswordChangeRequired322 Password change is required.
ErrorPasswordExpired323 Password has expired. Change password.
ErrorPermissionNotAllowedByPolicy324 Policy does not allow granting permission level to user.
ErrorPhoneNumberNotDialable325 Dialing restrictions are preventing the phone number that was entered from being dialed.
ErrorPropertyUpdate326 Property update did not succeed.
ErrorPropertyValidationFailure327 At least one property failed validation.
ErrorProxiedSubscriptionCallFailure328 Subscription related request failed because EWS could not contact the appropriate CAS server for this request. If this problem persists, recreate the subscription.
ErrorProxyCallFailed329 Request failed because EWS could not contact the appropriate CAS server for this request.
ErrorProxyGroupSidLimitExceeded330 Exchange Web Services (EWS) is not available for this mailbox because the user account associated with the mailbox is a member of too many groups. EWS limits the group membership it can proxy between Client Access Service Servers to 3000.
ErrorProxyRequestNotAllowed331 ErrorProxyRequestNotAllowed
ErrorProxyRequestProcessingFailed332 ErrorProxyRequestProcessingFailed
ErrorProxyServiceDiscoveryFailed333 Exchange Web Services are not currently available for this mailbox because it could not determine the Client Access Services Server to use for the mailbox.
ErrorProxyTokenExpired334 Proxy token has expired.
ErrorPublicFolderRequestProcessingFailed335 ErrorPublicFolderRequestProcessingFailed
ErrorPublicFolderServerNotFound336 ErrorPublicFolderServerNotFound
ErrorQueryFilterTooLong337 The search folder has a restriction that is too long to return.
ErrorQuotaExceeded338 Mailbox has exceeded maximum mailbox size.
ErrorReadEventsFailed339 Unable to retrieve events for this subscription. The subscription must be recreated.
ErrorReadReceiptNotPending340 Unable to suppress read receipt. Read receipts are not pending.
ErrorRecurrenceEndDateTooBig341 Recurrence end date can not exceed Sep 1, 4500 00:00:00.
ErrorRecurrenceHasNoOccurrence342 Recurrence has no occurrences in the specified range.
ErrorRemoveDelegatesFailed343 Failed to remove one or more delegates.
ErrorRequestAborted344 ErrorRequestAborted
ErrorRequestStreamTooBig345 ErrorRequestStreamTooBig
ErrorRequiredPropertyMissing346 Required property is missing.
ErrorResolveNamesInvalidFolderType347 Cannot perform ResolveNames for non-contact folder.
ErrorResolveNamesOnlyOneContactsFolderAllowed348 Only one contacts folder can be specified in request.
ErrorResponseSchemaValidation349 The response failed schema validation.
ErrorRestrictionTooComplex350 The restriction or sort order is too complex for this operation.
ErrorRestrictionTooLong351 Restriction contained too many elements.
ErrorResultSetTooBig352 ErrorResultSetTooBig
ErrorRulesOverQuota353 ErrorRulesOverQuota
ErrorSavedItemFolderNotFound354 The folder in which items were to be saved could not be found.
ErrorSchemaValidation355 The request failed schema validation.
ErrorSearchFolderNotInitialized356 The search folder is not initialized.
ErrorSendAsDenied357 The user account which was used to submit this request does not have the right to send mail on behalf of the specified sending account.
ErrorSendMeetingCancellationsRequired358 SendMeetingCancellations attribute is required for Calendar items.
ErrorSendMeetingInvitationsOrCancellationsRequired359 The SendMeetingInvitationsOrCancellations attribute is required for calendar items.
ErrorSendMeetingInvitationsRequired360 The SendMeetingInvitations attribute is required for calendar items.
ErrorSentMeetingRequestUpdate361 The meeting request has already been sent and might not be updated.
ErrorSentTaskRequestUpdate362 The task request has already been sent and may not be updated.
ErrorServerBusy363 The server cannot service this request right now. Try again later.
ErrorServiceDiscoveryFailed364 ErrorServiceDiscoveryFailed
ErrorSharingNoExternalEwsAvailable365 No external Exchange Web Service URL available.
ErrorSharingSynchronizationFailed366 Failed to synchronize the sharing folder.
ErrorStaleObject367 The current ChangeKey is required for this operation.
ErrorSubmissionQuotaExceeded368 The message couldn't be sent because the sender's submission quota was exceeded. Please try again later.
ErrorSubscriptionAccessDenied369 Access is denied. Only the subscription owner may access the subscription.
ErrorSubscriptionDelegateAccessNotSupported370 Subscriptions are not supported for delegate user access.
ErrorSubscriptionNotFound371 The specified subscription was not found.
ErrorSubscriptionUnsubscribed372 The StreamingSubscription was unsubscribed while the current connection was servicing it.
ErrorSyncFolderNotFound373 The folder to be synchronized could not be found.
ErrorTeamMailboxNotFound374 ErrorTeamMailboxNotFound
ErrorTeamMailboxNotLinkedToSharePoint375 ErrorTeamMailboxNotLinkedToSharePoint
ErrorTeamMailboxUrlValidationFailed376 ErrorTeamMailboxUrlValidationFailed
ErrorTeamMailboxNotAuthorizedOwner377 ErrorTeamMailboxNotAuthorizedOwner
ErrorTeamMailboxActiveToPendingDelete378 ErrorTeamMailboxActiveToPendingDelete
ErrorTeamMailboxFailedSendingNotifications379 ErrorTeamMailboxFailedSendingNotifications
ErrorTeamMailboxErrorUnknown380 ErrorTeamMailboxErrorUnknown
ErrorTimeIntervalTooBig381 ErrorTimeIntervalTooBig
ErrorTimeoutExpired382 ErrorTimeoutExpired
ErrorTimeZone383 The time zone isn't valid.
ErrorToFolderNotFound384 The specified target folder could not be found.
ErrorTokenSerializationDenied385 The requesting account does not have permission to serialize tokens.
ErrorUnableToGetUserOofSettings386 ErrorUnableToGetUserOofSettings
ErrorUnableToRemoveImContactFromGroup387 ErrorUnableToRemoveImContactFromGroup
ErrorUnifiedMessagingDialPlanNotFound388 A dial plan could not be found.
ErrorUnifiedMessagingRequestFailed389 The UnifiedMessaging request failed.
ErrorUnifiedMessagingServerNotFound390 A connection couldn't be made to the Unified Messaging server.
ErrorUnsupportedCulture391 The specified item culture is not supported on this server.
ErrorUnsupportedMapiPropertyType392 The MAPI property type is not supported.
ErrorUnsupportedMimeConversion393 MIME conversion is not supported for this item type.
ErrorUnsupportedPathForQuery394 The property can not be used with this type of restriction.
ErrorUnsupportedPathForSortGroup395 The property can not be used for sorting or grouping results.
ErrorUnsupportedPropertyDefinition396 PropertyDefinition is not supported in searches.
ErrorUnsupportedQueryFilter397 QueryFilter type is not supported.
ErrorUnsupportedRecurrence398 The specified recurrence is not supported.
ErrorUnsupportedSubFilter399 Unsupported subfilter type.
ErrorUnsupportedTypeForConversion400 Unsupported type for restriction conversion.
ErrorUpdateDelegatesFailed401 Failed to update one or more delegates.
ErrorUpdatePropertyMismatch402 Property for update does not match property in object.
ErrorUserNotAllowedByPolicy403 Policy does not allow granting permissions to user.
ErrorUserNotUnifiedMessagingEnabled404 The user isn't enabled for Unified Messaging
ErrorUserWithoutFederatedProxyAddress405 The user doesn't have an SMTP proxy address from a federated domain.
ErrorValueOutOfRange406 The value is out of range.
ErrorVirusDetected407 Virus detected in the message.
ErrorVirusMessageDeleted408 The item has been deleted as a result of a virus scan.
ErrorVoiceMailNotImplemented409 The Voice Mail distinguished folder is not implemented.
ErrorWebRequestInInvalidState410 ErrorWebRequestInInvalidState
ErrorWin32InteropError411 ErrorWin32InteropError
ErrorWorkingHoursSaveFailed412 ErrorWorkingHoursSaveFailed
ErrorWorkingHoursXmlMalformed413 ErrorWorkingHoursXmlMalformed
ErrorWrongServerVersion414 The Client Access server version doesn't match the Mailbox server version of the resource that was being accessed. To determine the correct URL to use to access the resource, use Autodiscover with the address of the resource.
ErrorWrongServerVersionDelegate415 The mailbox of the authenticating user and the mailbox of the resource being accessed must have the same Mailbox server version.
ErrorInvalidClientAccessTokenRequest416 The client access token request is invalid.
ErrorInvalidManagementRoleHeader417 invalid managementrole header value or usage.
ErrorSearchQueryHasTooManyKeywords418 SearchMailboxes query has too many keywords.
ErrorSearchTooManyMailboxes419 SearchMailboxes on too many mailboxes.
ErrorInvalidRetentionTagNone420There are no retention tags.
ErrorDiscoverySearchesDisabled421Discovery Searches are disabled.
ErrorCalendarSeekToConditionNotSupported422SeekToConditionPageView not supported for calendar items.
ErrorArchiveMailboxSearchFailed423Archive mailbox search operation failed.
ErrorGetRemoteArchiveFolderFailed424Get remote archive mailbox folder failed.
ErrorFindRemoteArchiveFolderFailed425Find remote archive mailbox folder failed.
ErrorGetRemoteArchiveItemFailed426Get remote archive mailbox item failed.
ErrorExportRemoteArchiveItemsFailed427Export remote archive mailbox items failed.
ErrorClientIntentInvalidStateDefinition428Invalid state definition.
ErrorClientIntentNotFound429Client intent not found.
ErrorContentIndexingNotEnabled430The Content Indexing service is required to perform this search, but it's not enabled.
ErrorDeleteUnifiedMessagingPromptFailed431The custom prompt files you specified couldn't be removed.
ErrorLocationServicesDisabled432The location service is disabled.
ErrorLocationServicesInvalidRequest433Invalid location service request.
ErrorLocationServicesRequestFailed434The request for location information failed.
ErrorLocationServicesRequestTimedOut435The request for location information timed out.
ErrorWeatherServiceDisabled436Weather service is disabled.
ErrorMailboxScopeNotAllowedWithoutQueryString437Mailbox scope not allowed without a query string.
ErrorNoSpeechDetected438No speech detected.
ErrorPromptPublishingOperationFailed439An error occurred while accessing the custom prompt publishing point.
ErrorPublicFolderMailboxDiscoveryFailed440Unable to discover the URL of the public folder mailbox.
ErrorPublicFolderOperationFailed441Public folder operation failed.
ErrorPublicFolderSyncException442The operation succeeded on the primary public folder mailbox, but failed to sync to the secondary public folder mailbox.
ErrorRecipientNotFound443Discovery Searches are disabled.
ErrorRecognizerNotInstalled444Recognizer not installed.
ErrorSpeechGrammarError445Speech grammar error.
ErrorTooManyObjectsOpened446Too many concurrent connections opened.
ErrorUMServerUnavailable447Unified Messaging server unavailable.
ErrorUnifiedMessagingPromptNotFound448The Unified Messaging custom prompt file you specified couldn't be found.
ErrorUnifiedMessagingReportDataNotFound449Report data for the UM call summary couldn't be found.
ErrorInvalidPhotoSize450The requested size is invalid.
ErrorCalendarIsGroupMailboxForAccept451 AcceptItem action is invalid for a meeting message in group mailbox.
ErrorCalendarIsGroupMailboxForDecline452 DeclineItem operation is invalid for a meeting message in group mailbox.
ErrorCalendarIsGroupMailboxForTentative453 TentativelyAcceptItem action isn't valid for a meeting message in group mailbox.
ErrorCalendarIsGroupMailboxForSuppressReadReceipt454 SuppressReadReceipt action isn't valid for a meeting message in group mailbox.
ErrorOrganizationAccessBlocked455 The Organization is marked for removal.
ErrorInvalidLicense456 User doesn't have a valid license.
ErrorMessagePerFolderCountReceiveQuotaExceeded457 Receive quota message per folder is exceeded.
ErrorUnifiedGroupMailboxNotFound458 Unified group was not found.
ErrorInvalidChannelId459 Invalid channel id.
ErrorNewChannelConnectionOpened460 Another connection is opened on the same channel.
ErrorChannelSubscriptionNotFound461 The channel subscription cannot be found.
ErrorExceededChannelSubscriptionCount462 The channel contains too many subscriptions.
ErrorChannelSubscriptionAlreadyExists463 The channel subscription already exists.
ErrorInvalidChannelSubscriptionId464 The given channel subscription id is invalid.
ErrorMessageSubmissionBlocked465Error indicating that message submission blocked by WASCL for a consumer mailboxes
ErrorExceededMessageLimit466Error indicating that number of submitted messages exceeded the limit and message submission is blocked by WASCL
ErrorExceededMaxRecipientLimitBlock467Error indicating that recipients number for a consumer mailbox has exceeded the limit defined by WASCL
ErrorAccountSuspend468Error indicating that access to the consumer mailbox is suspended by WASCL
ErrorExceededMaxRecipientLimit469Error indicating that recipients number for a consumer mailbox has exceeded the limit defined by WASCL
ErrorMessageBlocked470Error indicating that particular message cannot be sent for a consumer mailbox as it is considered as SPAM by WASCL
ErrorAccountSuspendShowTierUpgrade471Error indicating that access to the consumer mailbox is suspended by WASCL
ErrorExceededMessageLimitShowTierUpgrade472Error indicating that message sent from a consumer mailbox has exceeded the limit defined by WASCL
ErrorExceededMaxRecipientLimitShowTierUpgrade473Error indicating that recipients number for a consumer mailbox has exceeded the limit defined by WASCL
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