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IdFormat - перечисление

Defines supported Id formats in ConvertId operations.

Пространство имён:  Tessa.Exchange.WebServices.Data
Сборка:  Tessa.Server (в Tessa.Server.dll) Версия:
public enum IdFormat
  Имя членаЗначениеОписание
EwsLegacyId0 The EWS Id format used in Exchange 2007 RTM.
EwsId1 The EWS Id format used in Exchange 2007 SP1 and above.
EntryId2 The base64-encoded PR_ENTRYID property.
HexEntryId3 The hexadecimal representation of the PR_ENTRYID property.
StoreId4 The Store Id format.
OwaId5 The Outlook Web Access Id format.
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