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ContactsFolderBind - метод

Список перегрузок
Открытый методСтатический членBind(ExchangeService, FolderId, CancellationToken)
Binds to an existing contacts folder and loads its first class properties.
Открытый методСтатический членBind(ExchangeService, WellKnownFolderName, CancellationToken)
Binds to an existing contacts folder and loads its first class properties.
Открытый методСтатический членBind(ExchangeService, FolderId, PropertySet, CancellationToken)
Binds to an existing contacts folder and loads the specified set of properties.
Открытый методСтатический членBind(ExchangeService, WellKnownFolderName, PropertySet, CancellationToken)
Binds to an existing contacts folder and loads the specified set of properties.
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