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ExchangeServiceFindConversation - метод

Список перегрузок
Открытый методFindConversation(ViewBase, FolderId, CancellationToken)
Retrieves a collection of all Conversations in the specified Folder.
Открытый методFindConversation(ViewBase, FolderId, String, CancellationToken)
Retrieves a collection of all Conversations in the specified Folder.
Открытый методFindConversation(ViewBase, FolderId, String, Boolean, CancellationToken)
Searches for and retrieves a collection of Conversations in the specified Folder. Along with conversations, a list of highlight terms are returned.
Открытый методFindConversation(ViewBase, FolderId, String, Boolean, NullableMailboxSearchLocation, CancellationToken)
Searches for and retrieves a collection of Conversations in the specified Folder. Along with conversations, a list of highlight terms are returned.
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