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CompleteName - свойства

Тип CompleteName предоставляет следующие члены.

Открытое свойствоFullName
Gets the full name of the contact.
Открытое свойствоGivenName
Gets the given name (first name) of the contact.
Открытое свойствоInitials
Gets the initials of the contact.
Открытое свойствоMiddleName
Gets the middle name of the contact.
Открытое свойствоNickName
Gets the nickname of the contact.
Открытое свойствоSuffix
Gets the suffix of the contact.
Открытое свойствоSurname
Gets the surname (last name) of the contact.
Открытое свойствоTitle
Gets the contact's title.
Открытое свойствоYomiGivenName
Gets the Yomi given name (first name) of the contact.
Открытое свойствоYomiSurname
Gets the Yomi surname (last name) of the contact.
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