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Conflict - свойства

Тип Conflict предоставляет следующие члены.

Открытое свойствоConflictType
Gets the type of the conflict.
Открытое свойствоFreeBusyStatus
Gets the free/busy status of the conflicting attendee. The value of this property is only meaningful when ConflictType is equal to ConflictType.IndividualAttendee.
Открытое свойствоNumberOfMembers
Gets the number of users, resources, and rooms in the conflicting group. The value of this property is only meaningful when ConflictType is equal to ConflictType.GroupConflict.
Открытое свойствоNumberOfMembersAvailable
Gets the number of members who are available (whose status is Free) in the conflicting group. The value of this property is only meaningful when ConflictType is equal to ConflictType.GroupConflict.
Открытое свойствоNumberOfMembersWithConflict
Gets the number of members who have a conflict (whose status is Busy, OOF or Tentative) in the conflicting group. The value of this property is only meaningful when ConflictType is equal to ConflictType.GroupConflict.
Открытое свойствоNumberOfMembersWithNoData
Gets the number of members who do not have published free/busy data in the conflicting group. The value of this property is only meaningful when ConflictType is equal to ConflictType.GroupConflict.
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