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DelegatePermissions - свойства

Тип DelegatePermissions предоставляет следующие члены.

Открытое свойствоCalendarFolderPermissionLevel
Gets or sets the delegate user's permission on the principal's calendar.
Открытое свойствоContactsFolderPermissionLevel
Gets or sets the delegate user's permission on the principal's contacts folder.
Открытое свойствоInboxFolderPermissionLevel
Gets or sets the delegate user's permission on the principal's inbox.
Открытое свойствоJournalFolderPermissionLevel
Gets or sets the delegate user's permission on the principal's journal folder.
Открытое свойствоNotesFolderPermissionLevel
Gets or sets the delegate user's permission on the principal's notes folder.
Открытое свойствоTasksFolderPermissionLevel
Gets or sets the delegate user's permission on the principal's tasks folder.
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