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MeetingRequest - свойства

Тип MeetingRequest предоставляет следующие члены.

Открытое свойствоAdjacentMeetingCount
Gets the number of calendar entries that are adjacent to this appointment in the authenticated user's calendar.
Открытое свойствоAdjacentMeetings
Gets a list of meetings that conflict with this appointment in the authenticated user's calendar.
Открытое свойствоAllowedResponseActions
Gets a value indicating which response actions are allowed on this item. Examples of response actions are Reply and Forward.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоAllowNewTimeProposal
Gets a value indicating whether new time proposals are allowed for attendees of this meeting.
Открытое свойствоAppointmentReplyTime
Gets the time when the attendee replied to the meeting request.
Открытое свойствоAppointmentSequenceNumber
Gets the sequence number of this appointment.
Открытое свойствоAppointmentState
Gets the state of this appointment.
Открытое свойствоAppointmentType
Gets a value indicating the type of this appointment.
Открытое свойствоApprovalRequestData
Gets the ApprovalRequestData property of the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоArchiveTag
Gets or sets the archive tag.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоAssociatedAppointmentId
Gets the Id of the appointment associated with the meeting message.
(Унаследован от MeetingMessage.)
Открытое свойствоAttachments
Gets a list of the attachments to this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоBccRecipients
Gets the list of Bcc recipients for the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоBody
Gets or sets the body of this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоCategories
Gets or sets the list of categories associated with this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоCcRecipients
Gets the list of Cc recipients for the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоChangeHighlights
Gets the change highlights of the meeting request.
Открытое свойствоConferenceType
Gets the type of conferencing that will be used during the meeting.
Открытое свойствоConflictingMeetingCount
Gets the number of calendar entries that conflict with this appointment in the authenticated user's calendar.
Открытое свойствоConflictingMeetings
Gets a list of meetings that conflict with this appointment in the authenticated user's calendar.
Открытое свойствоConversationId
Gets the Id of the conversation this item is part of.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоConversationIndex
Gets the conversation index of the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоConversationTopic
Gets the conversation topic of the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоCulture
Gets or sets the culture associated with this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоDateTimeCreated
Gets the date and time this item was created.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоDateTimeReceived
Gets the time when this item was received.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоDateTimeSent
Gets the date and time this item was sent.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоDeletedOccurrences
Gets a list of deleted occurrences for this meeting.
Открытое свойствоDisplayCc
Gets a text summarizing the Cc receipients of this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоDisplayTo
Gets a text summarizing the To recipients of this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоDuration
Gets the duration of this appointment.
Открытое свойствоEffectiveRights
Gets a value indicating the effective rights the current authenticated user has on this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоEnd
Gets the end time of the appointment.
Открытое свойствоEndTimeZone
Gets time zone of the end property of this meeting request.
Открытое свойствоEnhancedLocation
Gets the Enhanced location object.
Открытое свойствоEntityExtractionResult
Gets the EntityExtractionResult of the item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоExtendedProperties
Gets a list of extended properties defined on this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоFirstOccurrence
Gets an OccurrenceInfo identifying the first occurrence of this meeting.
Открытое свойствоFlag
Get or set the Flag value for this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоFrom
Gets or sets the "on behalf" sender of the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоHasAttachments
Gets a value indicating whether the item has attachments.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоHasBeenProcessed
Gets a value indicating whether the meeting message has been processed by Exchange (i.e. Exchange has noted the arrival of a meeting request and has created the associated meeting item in the calendar).
(Унаследован от MeetingMessage.)
Открытое свойствоHashtags
Gets or sets the list of hashtags associated with this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоICalDateTimeStamp
Gets the ICalendar DateTimeStamp.
(Унаследован от MeetingMessage.)
Открытое свойствоICalRecurrenceId
Gets the ICalendar RecurrenceId.
(Унаследован от MeetingMessage.)
Открытое свойствоICalUid
Gets the ICalendar Uid.
(Унаследован от MeetingMessage.)
Открытое свойствоIconIndex
Gets the icon index.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоId
Gets the Id of this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоImportance
Gets or sets the importance of this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоInReplyTo
Gets or sets the In-Reply-To reference of this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоInstanceKey
Gets the item instance key.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоIntendedFreeBusyStatus
Gets the a value representing the intended free/busy status of the meeting.
Открытое свойствоInternetMessageHeaders
Gets a list of Internet headers for this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоInternetMessageId
Gets the Internet Message Id of the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоIsAllDayEvent
Gets a value indicating whether this appointment is an all day event.
Открытое свойствоIsAssociated
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is an associated message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоIsAttachment
Gets a value indicating whether the item is an attachment.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоIsCancelled
Gets a value indicating whether the appointment has been cancelled.
Открытое свойствоIsDelegated
Gets a value indicating whether the meeting message is delegated.
(Унаследован от MeetingMessage.)
Открытое свойствоIsDeliveryReceiptRequested
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a read receipt is requested for the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоIsDirty
Gets a value indicating whether the object has been modified and should be saved.
(Унаследован от ServiceObject.)
Открытое свойствоIsDraft
Gets a value indicating whether the item is is a draft. An item is a draft when it has not yet been sent.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоIsFromMe
Gets a value indicating whether the item has been sent by the current authenticated user.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоIsMeeting
Gets a value indicating whether the appointment is a meeting.
Открытое свойствоIsNew
Gets a value indicating whether this object is a real store item, or if it's a local object that has yet to be saved.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоIsOnlineMeeting
Gets a value indicating whether this is an online meeting.
Открытое свойствоIsOrganizer
Gets the isorganizer property for this meeting
(Унаследован от MeetingMessage.)
Открытое свойствоIsOutOfDate
Gets a value indicating whether the meeting message is out of date.
(Унаследован от MeetingMessage.)
Открытое свойствоIsRead
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the e-mail message is read.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоIsReadReceiptRequested
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a read receipt is requested for the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоIsRecurring
Gets a value indicating whether the appointment is recurring.
Открытое свойствоIsReminderSet
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a reminder is set for this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоIsResend
Gets a value indicating whether the item is a resend of another item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоIsResponseRequested
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a response is requested for the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоIsSubmitted
Gets a value indicating whether the message has been submitted to be sent.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоIsUnmodified
Gets a value indicating whether the item has been modified since it was created.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоItem
Gets the value of specified property in this instance.
(Унаследован от ServiceObject.)
Открытое свойствоItemClass
Gets or sets the custom class name of this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоLastModifiedName
Gets the name of the user who last modified this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоLastModifiedTime
Gets the date and time this item was last modified.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоLastOccurrence
Gets an OccurrenceInfo identifying the last occurrence of this meeting.
Открытое свойствоLegacyFreeBusyStatus
Gets a value indicating the free/busy status of the owner of this appointment.
Открытое свойствоLikers
Gets the Likers associated with the message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоLocation
Gets the location of this appointment.
Открытое свойствоMeetingRequestType
Gets the type of this meeting request.
Открытое свойствоMeetingRequestWasSent
Gets a value indicating whether the meeting request has already been sent.
Открытое свойствоMeetingWorkspaceUrl
Gets the URL of the meeting workspace. A meeting workspace is a shared Web site for planning meetings and tracking results.
Открытое свойствоMentionedMe
Gets a value indicating whether the item mentions me.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоMentions
Gets the Mentions associated with the message.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоMimeContent
Get or sets the MIME content of this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоMimeContentUTF8
Get or sets the MimeContentUTF8 of this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоModifiedOccurrences
Gets a list of modified occurrences for this meeting.
Открытое свойствоMyResponseType
Gets a value indicating what was the last response of the user that loaded this meeting.
Открытое свойствоNetShowUrl
Gets the URL of the Microsoft NetShow online meeting.
Открытое свойствоNormalizedBody
Gets the normalized body of the item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоOptionalAttendees
Gets a list of optional attendeed for this meeting.
Открытое свойствоOrganizer
Gets the organizer of this meeting.
Открытое свойствоOriginalStart
Gets the original start time of this appointment.
Открытое свойствоParentFolderId
Gets the Id of the parent folder of this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоPolicyTag
Gets or sets the policy tag.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоPreview
Gets the item Preview.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоReceivedBy
Gets the ReceivedBy property of the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоReceivedRepresenting
Gets the ReceivedRepresenting property of the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоRecurrence
Gets the recurrence pattern for this meeting request.
Открытое свойствоReferences
Gets or sets the references of the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоReminderDueBy
Gets or sets the date and time when the reminder is due for this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоReminderMinutesBeforeStart
Gets or sets the number of minutes before the start of this item when the reminder should be triggered.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоReplyTo
Gets a list of e-mail addresses to which replies should be addressed.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоRequiredAttendees
Gets a list of required attendees for this meeting.
Открытое свойствоResources
Gets a list of resources for this meeting.
Открытое свойствоResponseType
Gets the type of response the meeting message represents.
(Унаследован от MeetingMessage.)
Открытое свойствоRetentionDate
Gets the retention date.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоSchema
Gets the schema associated with this type of object.
(Унаследован от ServiceObject.)
Открытое свойствоSender
Gets or sets the sender of the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоSensitivity
Gets or sets the sensitivity of this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоService
Gets the ExchangeService the object is bound to.
(Унаследован от ServiceObject.)
Открытое свойствоSize
Gets the size of this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоStart
Gets the start time of the appointment.
Открытое свойствоStartTimeZone
Gets time zone of the start property of this meeting request.
Открытое свойствоStoreEntryId
Gets the store entry id.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоSubject
Gets or sets the subject of this item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоTextBody
Gets the text body of the item.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоTimeZone
Gets the name of the time zone this appointment is defined in.
Открытое свойствоToRecipients
Gets the list of To recipients for the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоUniqueBody
Gets the body part that is unique to the conversation this item is part of.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоVotingInformation
Gets the VotingInformation property of the e-mail message.
(Унаследован от EmailMessage.)
Открытое свойствоWebClientEditFormQueryString
Gets the query string that should be appended to the Exchange Web client URL to open this item using the appropriate edit form in a web browser.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоWebClientReadFormQueryString
Gets the query string that should be appended to the Exchange Web client URL to open this item using the appropriate read form in a web browser.
(Унаследован от Item.)
Открытое свойствоWhen
Gets a text indicating when this appointment occurs. The text returned by When is localized using the Exchange Server culture or using the culture specified in the PreferredCulture property of the ExchangeService object this appointment is bound to.
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