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MoveCopyFolderResponse - свойства

Тип MoveCopyFolderResponse предоставляет следующие члены.

Открытое свойствоErrorCode
Gets the error code associated with this response.
(Унаследован от ServiceResponse.)
Открытое свойствоErrorDetails
Gets error details associated with the response. If Result is set to Success, ErrorDetailsDictionary returns null. Error details will only available for some error codes. For example, when error code is ErrorRecurrenceHasNoOccurrence, the ErrorDetailsDictionary will contain keys for EffectiveStartDate and EffectiveEndDate.
(Унаследован от ServiceResponse.)
Открытое свойствоErrorMessage
Gets a detailed error message associated with the response. If Result is set to Success, ErrorMessage returns null. ErrorMessage is localized according to the PreferredCulture property of the ExchangeService object that was used to call the method that generated the response.
(Унаследован от ServiceResponse.)
Открытое свойствоErrorProperties
Gets information about property errors associated with the response. If Result is set to Success, ErrorProperties returns null. ErrorProperties is only available for some error codes. For example, when the error code is ErrorInvalidPropertyForOperation, ErrorProperties will contain the definition of the property that was invalid for the request.
(Унаследован от ServiceResponse.)
Открытое свойствоFolder
Gets the new (moved or copied) folder.
Открытое свойствоResult
Gets the result associated with this response.
(Унаследован от ServiceResponse.)
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