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OofSettings - свойства

Тип OofSettings предоставляет следующие члены.

Открытое свойствоAllowExternalOof
Gets a value indicating the authorized external OOF notifications.
Открытое свойствоDuration
Gets or sets the duration of the OOF status when State is set to OofState.Scheduled.
Открытое свойствоExternalAudience
Gets or sets a value indicating who should receive external OOF messages.
Открытое свойствоExternalReply
Gets or sets the OOF response sent to addresses outside the user's domain or trusted domain.
Открытое свойствоInternalReply
Gets or sets the OOF response sent other users in the user's domain or trusted domain.
Открытое свойствоState
Gets or sets the user's OOF state.
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