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MonthlyPattern - свойства

Тип RecurrenceMonthlyPattern предоставляет следующие члены.

Открытое свойствоDayOfMonth
Gets or sets the day of the month when each occurrence happens. DayOfMonth must be between 1 and 31.
Открытое свойствоEndDate
Gets or sets the date after which the recurrence ends. Setting EndDate resets NumberOfOccurrences.
(Унаследован от Recurrence.)
Открытое свойствоHasEnd
Gets a value indicating whether the pattern has a fixed number of occurrences or an end date.
(Унаследован от Recurrence.)
Открытое свойствоInterval
Gets or sets the interval between occurrences.
(Унаследован от RecurrenceIntervalPattern.)
Открытое свойствоNumberOfOccurrences
Gets or sets the number of occurrences after which the recurrence ends. Setting NumberOfOccurrences resets EndDate.
(Унаследован от Recurrence.)
Открытое свойствоStartDate
Gets or sets the date and time when the recurrence start.
(Унаследован от Recurrence.)
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