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Rule - свойства

Тип Rule предоставляет следующие члены.

Открытое свойствоActions
Gets the actions that should be executed against incoming messages if the conditions evaluate as true.
Открытое свойствоConditions
Gets the conditions that determine whether or not this rule should be executed against incoming messages.
Открытое свойствоDisplayName
Gets or sets the name of this rule as it should be displayed to the user.
Открытое свойствоExceptions
Gets the exceptions that determine if this rule should be skipped even if its conditions evaluate to true.
Открытое свойствоId
Gets or sets the Id of this rule.
Открытое свойствоIsEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this rule is enabled.
Открытое свойствоIsInError
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this rule has errors. A rule that is in error cannot be processed unless it is updated and the error is corrected.
Открытое свойствоIsNotSupported
Gets a value indicating whether this rule can be modified via EWS. If IsNotSupported is true, the rule cannot be modified via EWS.
Открытое свойствоPriority
Gets or sets the priority of this rule, which determines its execution order.
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